Internship Opportunities

Launch Your Career With Real-World Experience

Gain valuable experience and expand your network through internships tailored for both entrepreneurship and digital media design students at the Daveler & Kauanui School of Entrepreneurship. Many internships are paid, with some leading directly to full-time employment after graduation. Whether you explore existing opportunities or find your own design internship, you'll gain hands-on learning in real-world settings. The internship courses are offered every semester, helping you grow, advance, and prepare for a successful career in business or design.

  • Entrepreneurship Internship (ENT 4943)

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  • Design Internship (DIG 4940)

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2 Student Interns
Intern painting on wall

Successfully completed Internships:

  • Experience Designer; Hertz Global.
  • Designer; Parr Moto.
  • Graphic Designer; Presstige Printing.
  • Social Media, Videographer; The Hockey Summit.
  • Web Designer; Hertz Global.
  • Designer; BeBrilliant Marketing.
  • Designer; ADventure Marketing SWFL.
  • Videographer; ESPN4 
  • Designer; FGCU Athletics 
  • Graphic Designer; B3 Marketing.
  • Marketing, Designer; Wayne Anderson VFX studio.
  • Print & Web designer; HomeMag.
  • Designer; FGCU Housing and Recreation
  • Designer; FGCU Marketing and Communications 
  • Web Designer;  FGCU Marketing and Communications