FGCU Alert

Phone outage affecting the campus, including emergency services. FGCU can't receive outside calls. Dial 911 from cell phones, updates to follow.

Why Service-Learning?

Learn in the classroom, serve in the community

Service-learning is a method of teaching, learning, and reflecting that combines academic classroom curriculum with meaningful service that meets actual needs in the community.

According to the Association of the American Colleges & Universities (AAC&U), service-learning increases understanding of classroom content, critical thinking skills, problem-solving skills, communication skills, and much more. Through the National Association of Colleges & Employers, we know these are the same skills employers are seeking from recent college graduates. FGCU cares deeply about each student as well as the communities in which they will soon live.

The FGCU service-learning requirement also sets students up with an advantage through these experiences that often puts them above other candidates when applying to jobs and graduate schools. At the same time, FGCU graduates leave with a deeper understanding and level of positive engagement in the world around them.


Learn more about service-learning and the frameworks from which we operate

Learn more about the FGCU service-learning graduation requirement