Lutgert News

Lutgert College of Business Seniors Score in 90th Percentiles Nationwide

June 17, 2024  / Lutgert News  / Tags: Undergraduate, Analysis, Accounting, Marketing, Economics, Resort & Hospitality, Assesment, Finance, Testing

As part of our ongoing efforts toward continuous improvement of student learning, the Lutgert College of Business has long required our graduating seniors to complete the ETS Business Major Field Test (MFT), and our students often score quite highly relative to a large national sample—particularly when it comes to knowledge assessed in their own discipline.

Perhaps the most useful measure is not only a direct one (% of answers correct) but also the indirect benchmarking compared to 35,472 U.S. students (at 325 institutions) who completed the ETS Business MFT between Sept. 2021-June 2023. That yields a percentile score for our business majors relative to that national benchmark. Here are some notable high points:

  • Accounting majors scored in the 98th percentile (performed better than 98% of the national benchmark) for the ETS questions in their own major (Accounting).
  • Economics majors scored in the 99th percentile (performed better than 99% of the national benchmark) for the ETS questions in their own major (Economics) AND in the questions in Quantitative Business Analysis (99th percentile).
  • Finance majors scored in the 98th percentile (performed better than 98% of the national benchmark) for the ETS questions in their own major (Finance).
  • Economics (92nd percentile) and Resort & Hospitality majors (99th percentile) performed that much better than the national benchmark for the ETS questions in Marketing.

The ETS results are thus a major source of external benchmarking for the overall knowledge that our graduating seniors have accumulated over their time in the Lutgert College of Business. These results are reviewed each year by Department Chairs, Program Leaders, and the college Assurance of Learning committee to recommend continuous improvements in our pedagogy and curriculum content.