Lutgert Mentorship Program

The Word on the Street

Experiences from the Lutgert Mentorship Program truly speak for themselves.

headshotJohn Ashford (Mentor)

Manager, Data Analytics at Arthrex

“Becoming a mentor in the FGCU mentoring program has been an enriching experience, offering me a unique opportunity to guide and support a bright, ambitious young man named Jack. Over the past six months, witnessing his growth and development has been profoundly rewarding. This journey has not only allowed me to impart knowledge and wisdom but has also been a tremendous source of personal growth and learning for me. I highly recommend this fulfilling endeavor to others”

headshotJesse M. Bouchard (Mentor)

Managing Director at Northwestern Mutual

“Being a mentor in the Lutgert college of Business program has been incredibly rewarding. Witnessing the growth and success of mentees as they navigate challenges and pursue their goals is truly inspiring. The opportunity to share knowledge, offer guidance, and foster personal and professional development is both fulfilling and enriching. I'm grateful to be a part of this journey”

headshotDeanna Marcoaldi (Mentor)

Talent Acquisition Manager at Enterprise

“I am honored to be part of the mentorship program with the LCOB. It has been a pleasure witnessing the growth of my current and previous mentees. I have found that not only have we been successful in achieving the mentees goals, but I have also learned a lot from being a part of this process. It has been inspirational and rewarding and I am looking forward to continuing to see my current mentee thrive within FGCU and post-graduation”

headshotRob Oberwise (Mentor)

CEO at Executive Partners Consulting

“Mentoring makes you understand how much valuable life experience you've had and how that can help students avoid the pitfalls. Helping students succeed is truly a gift for them and you”

headshotAlan T. Schiffman (Mentor)


“In my opinion there is nothing more important than sharing one’s experiences and life’s journey with a person hungry for learning. Relationships with young individuals helps a person to grow, learn and appreciate different philosophies and family relationships. Being a Mentor is a two way street and fun”

headshotRon Wilson (Mentor)

Former Senior International Executive

“I have been a student and business Mentor for over 10 years having joined the LCOB program about a year ago. In my experience this has been one of the best run and organized Mentorship programs I have been involved with. I have two mentees who are both proactive and engaging which to my mind highlights the high standard required by LCOB for a student to be selected for the program. The continued involvement and connectivity by the LCOB Mentorship Program team is a major part of its success and making us as Mentors feel a part of that. I look forward to many years of being involved”

headshotBelen Findley (Student)

Finance ' 24

"The Mentorship Program was a transformative experience that greatly enriched my understanding of professionalism. It offered me the chance to engage with a variety of dynamic organizations, opening new horizons. My mentor, Chelsea, was an incredible source of motivation, embodying wisdom, a willingness to help, and steadfast determination. Her guidance and tips, which I will carry with me always, were invaluable. This program came at a perfect time in my life, providing the support and direction I needed when making career decisions felt overwhelming. It showed me the power of mentorship in navigating real-world challenges, and I believe it can do the same for anyone seeking clarity and purpose in their professional journey."

headshotTodd Reimet (Student)

Finance ' 24

"Being mentored by Phil Fischler has been a blast! I've soaked up a bunch of real estate know-how and connected with cool, like-minded folks. Grateful for this awesome experience! Plus, Phil and I became friends, and we're definitely staying in touch!"

headshotRocio Ibanez (Student)

Analytics & Informatics '24

Through the Lutgert Mentorship Program has enriched my time here at FGCU, I was able to be surrounded with like-minded people and inspired to go above what’s expected out of me. I have gained more than just technical skills, Dr. Roberta Atzori was able to encourage, and inspire. I am very excited for the future because of the work that was put into this program. I strongly encourage every student who is certain about their career to join and those who are not, as well.

headshotNatalia Perez (Student)

Management '24

"Through the Lutgert Mentorship program, I gained valuable insight into the world of business and professionalism. My mentor became a trusted role model, guiding me toward opportunities and encouraging me to get out of my comfort zone. The relationship we built is a true testament to the impact the program has and the lessons I learned will benefit me throughout my life and career."

headshotElizabeth Gonzalez (Student)

Computer Information Systems '24

"Through the Lutgert Mentorship Program, I not only grew my professional skills, but also gained the confidence to take on new challenges as I stepped outside my comfort zone. I am grateful for my mentor, Mike Divico, whose wisdom and experience as a professional in the Logistics Sector guided and prepared me to enter the workforce and face its many challenges. I’m excited to continue to build upon the lessons I learned in this program as I navigate towards my future endeavors"

headshotDr. Chris Westley

Dean, Lutgert College of Business

"Business is about creating value through risk and reward, relationships and service, and mentorship programs are about establishing intentional and strategic connections between our students and the productive class"

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