Student Spotlight of the Week
November 03, 2020 / Tags: Student Spotlight, Exercise Science, Department of Rehabilitation Sciences
This week’s Student Spotlight goes to first year Exercise Science student, Samantha Streeter. Samantha was born and raised in Milwaukee, Wisconsin but moved to Florida to attend FGCU. She plans on becoming a strength and conditioning coach either at the collegiate or professional level. Samantha chose this career path because she personally went through a big weight loss and strength building experience, and knows how much it can change a person’s life and she’d love to help others change their lives and have a positive impact on them. In her free time, Samantha is a dedicated gym goer, enjoys traveling with her family, and loves playing basketball. Samantha has lost over 75lbs over the course of a few years. She has siblings that she is very close in age with. Samantha walked on to the FGCU Women’s Basketball team in her sophomore year in college. She chose FGCU because it was the perfect school for her personally, it wasn’t too big and wasn’t too small and it just seemed to fit perfectly for her. “It feels like a big family at FGCU and it makes me love going to school every day” Samantha says.
It feels like a big family at FGCU and it makes me love going to school everyday.
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