Bachelor of Exercise Science Degree
Students in FGCU's Exercise Science program focus on analyzing movement and maximizing performance levels of high-level athletes, fitness-oriented persons, and special populations such as children and older adults.
Exercise Science graduates are eligible to sit for national certification exams through the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) and the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM). Graduates of the Exercise Science program will be qualified for graduate programs in the applied sciences and in the health professions such as athletic training, physical therapy, occupational therapy, medicine, sports nutrition, and sports psychology.
The Exercise Science program is 120 credit hours in length. Upper division requirements can be completed in five semesters.
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View information on FGCU institutional accreditation
Program Recognition
The National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) officially recognizes Florida Gulf Coast University's Exercise Science Program in Strength and Conditioning.
The NSCA Education Recognition Program (ERP) recognizes and distinguishes schools with standardized, approved strength and conditioning or personal training curricula in undergraduate and graduate settings designed to prepare students for the NSCA-Certified Personal Trainer® (NSCA-CPT®) and NSCA Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist® (CSCS®) certifications.
The American College of Sports Medicine, Exercise is Medicine On Campus has recognized Florida Gulf Coast University as an Exercise is Medicine Gold Level Campus. -
Admissions Information
Toggle More InfoAdmissions Information for the 2024-2025 Catalog Year
If you are not yet an FGCU student, visit the Admissions Office Website
If you are a newly-admitted FGCU student please be sure to sign up for an Eagle View Orientation session. As part of this session you will be meeting with an academic advisor who will assist you in registering for classes for your major.
Admission Deadlines
Visit the Admissions Office Web site for information on admission deadlines of the university.
The Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Exercise Science has general education in years one and two and core specific classes in years three and four. When applying to progress into the upper level courses, applications must be submitted by February 1st of your sophomore year. Please see the Exercise Science Required Materials for more information on progressing to the upper level Exercise Science curriculum.
View Exercise Science Lower Level Degree Map
Please click the link above for the materials required by the Exercise Science Program. Students are strongly encouraged to meet with their academic advisors to ensure that they are on track to meeting their academic goals. The checklist above should be utilized as a resource only and should not be considered comprehensive.
The Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Exercise Science provides students with the knowledge, skills and abilities to analyze movement and maximize performance levels of high-level athletes, fitness-oriented persons, and special populations such as children and older adults. Graduates of the Exercise Science program will also be prepared for graduate programs in the applied sciences, athletic training, physical therapy and occupational therapy. The Exercise Science program is 120 credit hours in length. Upper division requirements are completed in five semesters with a cohort model entering in the fall semester.
For questions regarding entrance to the University, and lower level general education courses and prerequisites please make an appointment with the Marieb College Office of Academic Advising online
For questions about progressing to the upper level Exercise Science courses, please email the Department of Rehabilitation Sciences Office at -
Program Requirements
Toggle More InfoProgram Requirements for the 2024-2025 Catalog Year
The General Education Program Website is located at
Program Progression and Additional Graduation Requirements
- Complete an Exercise Science program portfolio, which includes the following:
- Resume
- Responses to Section 2 and Section 3 on the Exercise Science portfolio development guidelines
- Submit the following materials:
- Exercise Science Technical Standards Signature form (signed by physician)
- Physical Exam Form (signed by physician)
- Present/Future Coursework Planning Sheet
- Program Prerequisite Reporting Sheet
- Immunization Form
- Establish an account for submission of required immunizations and health insurance information through the designated tracker
- Complete BSC 1010C with a minimum grade of "B-" (B minus) by the end of Semester 1.
- Complete PSY 2012 and MAC 1105 with a minimum grade of "C" by the end of Semester 1.
- Complete BSC 1085C with a minimum grade of "B-" (B minus) by the end of Semester 2.
- Complete MAC 1147 with a minimum grade of "C" by the end of Semester 2.
- Complete BSC 1086C with a minimum grade of "B-" (B minus) by the end of Semester 3.
- Complete CHM 1045 & CHM 1045L with a minimum grade of “C” by the end of Semester 3.
- Complete CHM 1046 & CHM 1046L, BSC 1011, BSC 1011L & HSC 2577 with a minimum grade of "C" by the end of Semester 3.
- Complete all other required lower division requirements (general education, CLWS, INKN, Civic Literacy and earning 60 credit hours) with a minimum grade of "C" by the end of the summer term immediately following Semester 4.
- Students must have an institutional GPA (or cumulative GPA in Gulfline, includes FGCU credits and grades) of 2.5 or higher by the end of Semester 4.
- Students must follow a pre-approved Program of Study approved by the student's faculty advisor.
- A student must perform at the appropriate level of generic abilities and criteria throughout the Exercise Science Program as outlined in the Professional Behaviors Plan.
- For Experiential Learning I & II, the Exercise Science program will attempt to place students at an approved site. In some situations, students will need to secure their own pre-approved placement which must meet the Exercise Science program's requirements for community site education. Please see the Exercise Science program website for additional criteria on Experiential Learning.
For timely degree completion, students must complete appropriate milestones. Failure to meet milestone requirements may result in required major reselection. Refer to the program website or Student Guidebook for further information on milestones and progression standards.
In addition to the program requirements, students must:
- Complete a minimum of 120 credits.
- Complete a minimum of 48 credits at the upper division (3000-4999 level).
- Satisfy the residency requirement: 30 of the last 60 credits must be completed at FGCU.
- Earn a cumulative GPA of 2.0 for all coursework attempted at FGCU.
- Complete all Required Courses in the Major with a minimum GPA of 3.0.
- Earn a minimum grade of C for all Exercise Science major courses.
- Satisfy the College-Level Skills and foreign language entrance requirements.
- Satisfy the Service-Learning requirement.
- Satisfy the Civic Literacy requirement.
- Perform at Entry Level in all criteria of the Professional Behaviors Plan.
- Submit an application for graduation by the deadline listed in the FGCU Academic Calendar.
- Meet all FGCU requirements for graduation.
- Adhere to requirements as stated in the Exercise Science Student Guidebook.
- Complete the summer course enrollment requirement.
Program Requirements
- FGCU General Education Program (
To prevent or minimize excess hours, select general education courses that satisfy common prerequisite requirements for your intended major. - Common Prerequisites
For this major, common prerequisite courses with an asterisk (*) require prior knowledge and skills demonstrated through degree acceleration programs (e.g., the College Board's Advanced Placement Program [AP], International Baccalaureate Program [IB], College-Level Examination Program [CLEP], Advanced International Certificate of Education Program [AICE]); dual enrollment; placement exam; or college coursework.
FGCU Course: BSC 1010C Gen’l Biology w/Lab I (4) Minimum grade of B-
Acceptable Substitute: BSCX010C or (BSCX010 and BSCX010L)
FGCU Course: BSC 1011 General Biology II (3) and BSC 1011L General Biology II Laboratory (1) Minimum grade of C
Acceptable Substitute: BSCX011C or (BSCX011 and BSCX011L)
FGCU Course: BSC 1085C Hum Anat & Physio w/Lab I (4) Minimum grade of B-
Acceptable Substitute: BSCX085C or (BSCX085 and BSCX085L) or (PETX322 and PETX322L) or APKX100C or (BSCX093 and BSCX093L)
FGCU Course: BSC 1086C Hum Anat & Physio w/Lab II (4) Minimum grade of B-
Acceptable Substitute: (BSCX086 and BSCX086L) or PETX323C or APKX105C or (BSCX094 and BSCX094L)
FGCU Course: *CHM 1045 General Chemistry I (3) and CHM 1045L General Chemistry I Lab (1) Minimum grade of C
Acceptable Substitute: CHMX045C or (CHMX045 and CHMX045L)
[Prerequisites of MAT 1033 minimum grade of C then MAC 1105 minimum grade of C; or relevant accelerated credit; or placement exam]
FGCU Course: CHM 1046 General Chemistry II (3) and CHM 1046L General Chemistry II Lab (1) Minimum grade of C
Acceptable Substitute: CHMX046C or (CHMX046 and CHMX046L)
FGCU Course: HSC 2577 Nutri Human Health & Wellness (3) Minimum grade of C
Acceptable Substitute: HUNX201
FGCU Course: *MAC 1147 Precalculus (4) Minimum grade of C
Acceptable Substitute: MACX147 or MACX311 or (MACX140 and MACX114)
[Prerequisites of MAT 1033 minimum grade of C then MAC 1105 minimum grade of C; or relevant accelerated credit; or placement exam]
FGCU Course: PSY 2012 General Psychology (3) Minimum grade of C
Acceptable Substitute: PSYX012 - Required Courses in the Major (57 credits)
APK 3125 Fitness Assess/Ex Prescription (3)
APK 3125L Fitness Assessment Lab (2)
APK 3141C Anat and Biomech Human Mvmt 1 (3)
APK 3142C Anat and Biomech Human Mvmt 2 (3)
APK 3312 Pharm & Ergo Aids Sport & HP (2)
APK 4050 Evidence Based Practice (3)
APK 4112 Sport & Human Exer Psychology (3)
APK 4120 Clinical Exercise Physiology (3)
APK 4123 Human Perf and Energy Supplies (2)
APK 4137 Exercise and Sport Physiology (4)
APK 4137L Exercise and Sport Phys Lab (2)
APK 4138 Methods of RT & Conditioning (3)
APK 4138L Method Resistance Training Lab (2)
APK 4930 PDS II Prep for Entering (2)
APK 4941L Experiential Learning I (5)
APK 4948L Experiential Learning II (5)
APK 4951 Capstone in Exercise Science (3)
PET 3627C Care & Prevent HP Injuries (3)
PHY 2053 College Physics I (3) and PHY 2053L College Physics I Laboratory (1) - University Requirements (3 credits)
Select one of the following:
IDS 3920 University Colloquium (3)
Or at least 3 credits in sustainability coursework (SCGR Attribute) - Additional Electives - as needed to reach total credits required for the degree
Total Credits Required: 120
- Complete an Exercise Science program portfolio, which includes the following:
Degree Map
Toggle More InfoThe Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Exercise Science has general education and prerequisites in years one and two and core specific classes in years three and four.
Years 1 and 2
The Coursework Progression Map will help identify the courses needed to meet the state general education requirements while fulfilling the prerequisites for the Exercise Science degree. For the free elective, it is recommended to take DEP 2004 Principles of Development as this will satisfy many graduate school prerequisites.Students following this course sequence will satisfy all necessary prerequisites for upper-level Exercise Science coursework. Courses listed in Year 1 and Year 2 are offered every term.
View Exercise Science Lower Level Degree Map
Years 3 and 4The Exercise Science Program utilizes a cohort model in years 3 and 4. All students start in the fall term and follow the same course progression model. Due to the complexity of the multiple sections each semester, students are registered for their required courses internally.
View Exercise Science Upper Level Degree Map
Download the Exercise Science (ES) Upper Level Curriculum Matrix
Exercise Science Curriculum Matrix -
Course Description
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Search for official course descriptions by using the Course Description Search utility.
Go to the Course Descriptions Search Web page, then follow these steps:
- Select an Academic Year from the TERM dropdown (required)
- Select a course prefix from one of the SUBJECT dropdowns (required)
- Enter search words in the TEXT field (optional, but will narrow the search results)
- Press Search
Course Schedule
Toggle More InfoGetting started with the Course Schedule Search
Search for program courses by using the Course Schedule Search utility.
Go to the Course Schedule Search Web page, then follow these steps:
- Select an Academic Year from the TERM dropdown (required)
- Select one or more of the search options to narrow your results (for example, CAMPUS, COLLEGE, DEPARTMENT, LEVEL, PREFIX*, COURSE ATTRIBUTE**). For virtual or web courses, select VIRTUAL in the CAMPUS field.
- Press Search.
*A course prefix is a three-letter designator for a major division of an academic discipline (for example, ACG for Accounting , BSC for Biological Science, ENC for English Composition). See the Degree Requirements page for a list of courses (with prefix and number) that can be used to fulfill degree requirements.
**A course attribute identifies specific characteristics of courses that can be used in a Degree Evaluation to satisfy a degree requirement. (Course attribute examples are Humanities courses - GEHM and Social Science courses - GESO.)
Learning Outcomes
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Consistent with its mission and guiding principles, Florida Gulf Coast University is committed to academic excellence and continuous quality improvement, as supported by a sound teaching-learning process. Within this process, students and instructors share responsibility for learning that is a movement from the simple to the complex, the concrete to the abstract, and the dependent to the independent. The Academic Learning Compact (ALC) initiative supports the teaching-learning process by clearly identifying expected core student learning outcomes in the areas of content/discipline knowledge and skills, communication skills, and critical thinking skills; aligning curricula with expectations; and using assessment to guide continuous improvement.
Content/Discipline Knowledge and Skills
Graduates will be able to:
- Demonstrate the knowledge, skills, and abilities of exercise risk stratification, fundamental kinesiology principles, and exercise physiology principles underlying performance of physical activities and exercise.
- Demonstrate the knowledge, skills, and abilities associated with physiological and metabolic responses to exercise, and injury prevention in healthy individuals and in individuals with chronic disease.
- Demonstrate the knowledge, skills, and abilities of selecting and administering appropriate assessment and training modalities according to the functional capacity of the individual.
- Demonstrate an understanding of the key concepts of the nutritional and pharmacological aspects of wellness and human performance.
- Display an understanding of the key concepts of Medical Ethics, Standard of Care, Legal Issues, and Professionalism.
Content/discipline knowledge and skills are assessed at the college and departmental levels through essays, exams, and other projects completed in the following courses:
- The direct measure used to gauge acquisition of student learning outcome (SLO) number one from above is the midterm and/or final examination taken in the following courses: APK 3125 Fitness Assessment and Exercise Prescription, APK 3125L Fitness Assessment and Exercise Prescription Lab, APK 4311C Advanced Methods of Strength and Conditioning, APK 4137 Exercise and Sport Physiology and APK4137L Exercise and Sport Physiology Lab.
- The indirect measure used to gauge acquisition of SLO #1 is the undergraduate survey that the students complete during the semester they graduate: “Did the program prepare you in the knowledge, skills and abilities of fundamental exercise physiology principles that underlie performance of physical activities and exercise?”
- The direct measure used to gauge acquisition of the SLO #2 is the midterm and/or final examination taken for the following courses: APK 3125 Fitness Assessment and Exercise Prescription, APK 3125L Fitness Assessment and Exercise Prescription Lab, APK4110L Applied Exercise Physiology, APK 4120 Clinical Exercise Physiology and PET 3627C Care and Prevention of HP Injuries.
- The indirect measurement used to gauge acquisition of SLO #2 is the undergraduate survey question that students complete during the semester they graduate: “Did the program prepare you in the knowledge, skills and abilities of the exercise risk stratification process, physiological and metabolic responses to exercise and injury prevention in healthy individuals and in individuals associated with chronic disease?”
- The direct instrument used to gauge acquisition of SLO #3 is the midterm and/or final examination taken for the following courses: APK 3125 Fitness Assessment and Exercise Prescription, APK 3125L Fitness Assessment and Exercise Prescription Lab, APK 4113C Advanced Methods of Strength and Conditioning, APK 4120C Clinical Exercise Physiology, and APK 4110L Applied Exercise Physiology.
- The indirect measurement used to gauge acquisition of SLO #3 is the undergraduate survey that the students take during the semester they graduate: “Did the program prepare you in the knowledge, skills and abilities of selecting appropriate assessments and training modalities according to the functional capacity of the individual?”
- The direct measures used to gauge acquisition of SLO #4 are the Midterm and Final Exams taken in the following courses: APK 4123 Human Performance and Energy Supplies, and APK 3312 Pharmacology and Ergogenic Aids.
- The indirect measurement used to gauge acquisition of SLO #4 is the undergraduate senior exit survey question that the students complete during the semester they graduate: “How well were you prepared by the FGCU Exercise Science program in the following subject areas: Nutritional Aspects of Health and Performance?”
- The direct measures used to gauge acquisition of SLO #5 are the Midterm, Final Exams and Senior Level Project completed in the following course APK 4930 Preparation for Entering and Growing in Profession.
- The indirect measurement used to gauge acquisition of SLO #5 is the undergraduate senior exit survey that the students complete during the semester they graduate: “How well were you prepared by the FGCU Exercise Science program in the following subject areas: Ethics and Legal Issues and Professional Development?”
Communication Skills
Graduates will be able to:
- The student will demonstrate the knowledge, skills and abilities of fundamental exercise physiology principles that underlie performance of physical activities and exercise.
- The student will demonstrate the knowledge, skills and abilities associated with exercise risk stratification, physiological and metabolic responses to exercise and injury prevention in healthy individuals and in individuals associated with chronic disease.
- The student will demonstrate the knowledge, skills and abilities of selecting appropriate assessment and training modalities according to the functional capacity of the individual.
- Prepare the student with the knowledge, skills and abilities associated with the nutritional aspects of wellness and human performance required of the entry-level practitioner in the Exercise Science field.
- Prepare the student with the knowledge, skills and abilities associated with understanding administration and professional development required of the entry-level Exercise Science practitioner.
Communication Skills are assessed at the college and department levels through essays, exams, and other projects completed in the following courses:
- The direct measure used to gauge acquisition of student learning outcome (SLO) number one from above is the midterm and/or final examination taken in the following courses: APK 3125 Fitness Assessment and Exercise Prescription, APK 3125L Fitness Assessment and Exercise Prescription Lab, APK 4311C Advanced Methods of Strength and Conditioning, APK 4137 Exercise and Sport Physiology and APK 4137L Exercise and Sport Physiology Lab.
- The indirect measure used to gauge acquisition of SLO #1 is the undergraduate survey that the students complete during the semester they graduate: “Did the program prepare you in the knowledge, skills and abilities of fundamental exercise physiology principles that underlie performance of physical activities and exercise?
- The direct measure used to gauge acquisition of the SLO #2 is the midterm and/or final examination taken for the following courses: APK 3125 Fitness Assessment and Exercise Prescription, APK 3125L Fitness Assessment and Exercise Prescription Lab, APK 4110L Applied Exercise Physiology, APK 4120 Clinical Exercise Physiology and PET 3627C Care and Prevention of HP Injuries.
- The indirect measurement used to gauge acquisition of SLO #2 is the undergraduate survey question that students complete during the semester they graduate: “Did the program prepare you in the knowledge, skills and abilities of the exercise risk stratification process, physiological and metabolic responses to exercise and injury prevention in healthy individuals and in individuals associated with chronic disease?”
- The direct instrument used to gauge acquisition of SLO #3 is the midterm and/or final examination taken for the following courses: APK 3125 Fitness Assessment and Exercise Prescription, APK 3125L Fitness Assessment and Exercise Prescription Lab, APK 4113C Advanced Methods of Strength and Conditioning, APK 4120C Clinical Exercise Physiology, and APK 4110L Applied Exercise Physiology.
- The indirect measurement used to gauge acquisition of SLO #3 is the undergraduate survey that the students take during the semester they graduate: “Did the program prepare you in the knowledge, skills and abilities of selecting appropriate assessments and training modalities according to the functional capacity of the individual?”
- The direct measures used to gauge acquisition of SLO #4 are the Midterm and Final Exams taken in the following courses: APK 4123 Human Performance and Energy Supplies, and APK 3312 Pharmacology and Ergogenic Aids.
- The indirect measurement used to gauge acquisition of SLO #4 is the undergraduate senior exit survey question that the students complete during the semester they graduate: “How well were you prepared by the FGCU Exercise Science program in the following subject areas: Nutritional Aspects of Health and Performance?”
- The direct measures used to gauge acquisition of SLO #5 are the Midterm, Final Exams and Senior Level Project completed in the following course APK 4930 Preparation for Entering and Growing in Profession.
- The indirect measurement used to gauge acquisition of SLO #5 is the undergraduate senior exit survey that the students complete during the semester they graduate: “How well were you prepared by the FGCU Exercise Science program in the following subject areas: Ethics and Legal Issues and Professional Development?”
Critical Thinking Skills
Graduates will be able to:
- The student will demonstrate the knowledge, skills and abilities of fundamental exercise physiology principles that underlie performance of physical activities and exercise.
- The student will demonstrate the knowledge, skills and abilities associated with exercise risk stratification, physiological and metabolic responses to exercise and injury prevention in healthy individuals and in individuals associated with chronic disease.
- The student will demonstrate the knowledge, skills and abilities of selecting appropriate assessment and training modalities according to the functional capacity of the individual.
- Prepare the student with the knowledge, skills and abilities associated with the nutritional aspects of wellness and human performance required of the entry-level practitioner in the Exercise Science field.
- Prepare the student with the knowledge, skills and abilities associated with understanding administration and professional development required of the entry-level Exercise Science practitioner.
Critical Thinking Skills are assessed at the college and department levels through essays, exams, and other projects completed in the following courses:
- The direct measure used to gauge acquisition of student learning outcome (SLO) number one from above is the midterm and/or final examination taken in the following courses: APK 3125 Fitness Assessment and Exercise Prescription, APK 3125L Fitness Assessment and Exercise Prescription Lab, APK 4311C Advanced Methods of Strength and Conditioning, APK 4137 Exercise and Sport Physiology and APK4137L Exercise and Sport Physiology Lab.
- The indirect measure used to gauge acquisition of SLO #1 is the undergraduate survey that the students complete during the semester they graduate: “Did the program prepare you in the knowledge, skills and abilities of fundamental exercise physiology principles that underlie performance of physical activities and exercise?”
- The direct measure used to gauge acquisition of the SLO #2 is the midterm and/or final examination taken for the following courses: APK 3125 Fitness Assessment and Exercise Prescription, APK 3125L Fitness Assessment and Exercise Prescription Lab, APK4110L Applied Exercise Physiology, APK 4120 Clinical Exercise Physiology and PET 3627C Care and Prevention of HP Injuries.
- The indirect measurement used to gauge acquisition of SLO #2 is the undergraduate survey question that students complete during the semester they graduate: “Did the program prepare you in the knowledge, skills and abilities of the exercise risk stratification process, physiological and metabolic responses to exercise and injury prevention in healthy individuals and in individuals associated with chronic disease?”
- The direct instrument used to gauge acquisition of SLO #3 is the midterm and/or final examination taken for the following courses: APK 3125 Fitness Assessment and Exercise Prescription, APK 3125L Fitness Assessment and Exercise Prescription Lab, APK 4113C Advanced Methods of Strength and Conditioning, APK 4120C Clinical Exercise Physiology, and APK 4110L Applied Exercise Physiology.
- The indirect measurement used to gauge acquisition of SLO #3 is the undergraduate survey that the students take during the semester they graduate: “Did the program prepare you in the knowledge, skills and abilities of selecting appropriate assessments and training modalities according to the functional capacity of the individual?”
- The direct measures used to gauge acquisition of SLO #4 are the Midterm and Final Exams taken in the following courses: APK 4123 Human Performance and Energy Supplies, and APK 3312 Pharmacology and Ergogenic Aids.
- The indirect measurement used to gauge acquisition of SLO #4 is the undergraduate senior exit survey question that the students complete during the semester they graduate: “How well were you prepared by the FGCU Exercise Science program in the following subject areas: Nutritional Aspects of Health and Performance?”
- The direct measures used to gauge acquisition of SLO #5 are the Midterm, Final Exams and Senior Level Project completed in the following course APK 4930 Preparation for Entering and Growing in Profession.
- The indirect measurement used to gauge acquisition of SLO #5 is the undergraduate senior exit survey that the students complete during the semester they graduate: “How well were you prepared by the FGCU Exercise Science program in the following subject areas: Ethics and Legal Issues and Professional Development?”
Tuition, Fees, and Financial Assistance
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Information on Tuition, Fees and estimated total Cost of Attendance is available on the Student Account Services web site.
Financial Aid Opportunities
Visit FGCU's Financial Aid Web site for information about grants, additional scholarships, loans, and student employment.
Additional Expenses
In addition to typical FGCU student costs, the Exercise Science students can anticipate additional costs* related to the following items during their progression through the upper-level Exercise Science curriculum.
*Costs listed are estimates and are subject to change.ITEM ESTIMATED COST Liability Insurance
$15 (annually)
Laboratory and Clinical Uniforms
Immunizations/ Vaccinations
Certifications (CPR/AED and First Aid)
Criminal Record Background Reviews (as required, dependent upon experiential learning site requirements)
Level II Background Review and Fingerprint Screening: $116
Drug Screening: $38
Membership Dues for Professional Organizations
$10-65 (annually)
Professional Certification Exams
Travel to Experiential Learning Sites
Full time Experiential Learning Rotations occur during the upper level curriculum, at several off campus sites.
Distance from FGCU may vary by experiential learning site location.
Scholarship Information
To apply for any of the below scholarships, obtain further information on the below scholarships, or to locate additional opportunities please visit FGCU Foundation/Scholarship.
Theodore Siegel Exercise Science Scholarship Endowed Fund (Exercise Science Students Only):
- Recipients will be full-time, degree seeking students enrolled in the Exercise Science program.
- Recipients will have demonstrated academic merit with a minimum program GPA of 3.0.
- Recipients will be in good standing, as defined by the university.
- Preference will be given to seniors in the Exercise Science program.
- Preference will be given to FGCU student athletes.
- Preference will be given to students receiving limited to no scholarship support.
- This scholarship should be awarded to one student, however, more than one student may be awarded the Theodore Siegel Exercise Science Scholarship in an academic year at the recommendation of the scholarship selection committee.
- Scholarship are to be awarded annually and student who continue to qualify may be awarded in successive years.
Events and Activities
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We’re Here to Answer Your Questions.
Marieb College of Health & Human Services
Department of Rehabilitation Sciences
10501 FGCU Blvd. S.
Fort Myers, FL 33965