Newly Appointed DNP Nurse Anesthesiology Program Director
April 22, 2022 / Tags: M.S.N. to D.N.P. - Nurse Anesthesiology, FGCU School of Nursing, Faculty Promotions, FGCU, B.S.N. to D.N.P. - Nurse Anesthesiology
The FGCU School of Nursing is pleased to announce that Dr. Virginia Londahl-Ramsey
has been appointed as DNP Nurse Anesthesiology Program Director.
Dr. Londahl-Ramsey will assume this position on May 14, 2022, following the retirement
Dr. Spiegel, outgoing DNP Nurse Anesthesiology Program Director, on May 13, 2022.
Dr. Spiegel and Dr. Londahl-Ramsey are working together to facilitate a smooth transition
in leadership of the program.
Congratulations Dr. Londahl-Ramsey!!
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M.S.N. to D.N.P. - Nurse AnesthesiologyFGCU School of NursingFaculty PromotionsFGCUB.S.N. to D.N.P. - Nurse Anesthesiology
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