BSN Students Provide Assistance and Support at Pine Manor Community Center
September 22, 2022 / M. Martinez, Coordinator Nursing / Tags: FGCU, BSN, FGCU School of Nursing, Community Outreach
FGCU BSN Students and MSN Nurse Educator assist the residents of Pine Manor Community
Center in numerous ways each Thursday, led by FGCU School of Nursing, Associate Professor
Dr. Cindy Farris.
On this particular Thursday, the students assisted with distribution of fresh grapes
and cabbage which were donated and delivered without notice to the Pine Manor Community.
As the word spread of the donation, several residents arrived at the center to collect
the donated food as the BSN students rapidly prepared, packaged and helped distribute
the items per family.
As residents arrived, the studetns were able to offer additional services such as
blood pressure checks, guided pregnant residents with WIC resources, helped to locate
a podiatrist for diabetic foot care, assisted a resident whose water had been shut
off, obtained eye glasses for a resident through collaboration with the Lion's Club
and promoted the Mobile Clinic.
Dr. Farris stated she "was so proud of the students as they worked hard and helped
several residents. We ended the day helping the aftercare school program by assisting
with homework as often their parents have lower education levels and some don’t speak
Dr. Farris mentioned that having BSN students who spoke Spanish and Creole helped them communicate with the Hispanic and Haitian residents.
Thank you Eagles for Supporting all in need!!
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