Managing Stress and Anxiety Among Employees and Self Webinar
July 17, 2020 / Grace Billington / Tags: Webinar, Covid19
Upcoming Webinar on Tuesday, July 21 at noon to learn and earn your seal of confidence for your institution! Please join us for this informative learning opportunity with Experts at Marieb College of Health and Human Services by clicking on this link to register:
Managing Stress and Anxiety Among Employees and Self
12 p.m. Tuesday, July 21
Panelists: Marieb College of Health & Human Services Dean Dr. Ann Cary, moderator and participant; Dr. Tom Felke, Chair and Associate Professor, Department of Social Work; Dr. Suzanne Dugger, Chair and Professor, Department of Counseling
Content: This session will assist participants in understanding COVID-related stress employees may experience, recognize implications of this stress for the work place, and identify strategies for helping employees manage COVID-related stress and anxiety.
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