Regulation Archive

FGCU Regulations Archive

The regulations below are archived, amended versions of each FGCU regulation. For questions or further assistance, please contact The Office of the General Counsel at

Number Regulation Date  File Version
1.001 Statement of Agency Organization and Operation  01/12/21 to 01/11/22

Regulation 1.001 - Amended 011221

1.001 Statement of Agency Organization and Operation (FGCU-PR1.001) 09/11/18 to 01/12/21 Regulation 1.001 - Amended 091118
1.001 Statement of Agency Organization and Operation (FGCU-PR1.001) 10/10/17 to 09/11/18 Regulation 1.001 - Amended 101017
1.001 Statement of Agency Organization and Operation (FGCU-PR1.001) 06/29/17 to 10/10/17 Regulation 1.001 - Amended 062917
1.001 Statement of Agency Organization and Operation (FGCU-PR1.001) 02/23/16 to 06/29/17 Regulation 1.001 - Amended 022316
1.001 Statement of Agency Organization and Operation (FGCU-PR1.001) 04/15/14 to 02/23/16 Regulation 1.001 - Amended 041514
1.001 Statement of Agency Organization and Operation (FGCU-PR1.001) 09/17/13 to 04/15/14 Regulation 1.001 - Original 091713
1.003 Non-Discrimination, Anti-Harassment, and Sexual Misconduct Regulation (FGCU-PR1.003) 06/07/16 to 09/10/19 Regulation 1.003 - Amended 060716
1.003 Non-Discrimination, Anti-Harassment, and Sexual Misconduct Regulation (FGCU-PR1.003) 04/15/14 to 06/07/16 Regulation 1.003 - Amended 041514
1.003 Non-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment Regulation (FGCU-PR1.003) 09/17/13 to 04/15/14 Regulation 1.003 - Amended 091713
1.003 Non-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment Regulation (FGCU-PR1.003) 01/19/10 to 09/17/13 Regulation 1.003 - Amended 011910
1.003 Non-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment Regulation (FGCU-PR1.003) 01/20/09 to 01/19/10 Regulation 1.003 - Amended 012009
1.003 Non-Discrimination Regulation and Complaint Procedures (FGCU-PR1.003) 01/15/08 to 01/20/09 Regulation 1.003 - Original 011508
1.004 Sexual Harassment (FGCU-PR1.004) - REPEALED  01/20/09  Regulation 1.004 - Repealed 012009 
1.004  Sexual Harassment (FGCU-PR1.004) 01/15/08 to 01/20/09 Regulation 1.004 - Original 011509
1.005  Direct Support Organizations (FGCU-PR1.005) 03/18/03 to 01/08/19  Regulation 1.005 - Original 031803 
1.006 Whistle-Blower Reporting and Protection 01/14/20 to 05/05/20 Regulation 1.006 - Amended 011420
1.006 Whistle-blower Protection (FGCU-PR1.006) 05/22/17 to 01/14/20 Regulation 1.006 - Formatted 052217
1.006 Whistle-blower Protection (FGCU-PR1.006) 09/13/16 to 05/22/17 Regulation 1.006 - Original 091316
1.009 Sexual Harassment Under Title IX (Emergency Regulation) 08/11/20 to 10/29/20 Regulation 1.009 - Original 081120
2.001 Undergraduate Admissions
06/24/22 to 04/14/23 Regulation 2.001 - Amended 062422
2.001 Undergraduate Admissions
10/13/20 to 06/24/22 Regulation 2.001 - Amended 101320
2.001 Undergraduate Admissions (FGCU-PR2.001) 09/15/16 to 10/13/20 Regulation 2.001 - Amended 091516
2.001 Undergraduate Admissions (FGCU-PR2.001) 10/08/15 to 09/15/16 Regulation 2.001 - Amended 100815
2.001 Undergraduate Admissions (FGCU-PR2.001) 07/11/14 to 10/08/15 Regulation 2.001 - Amended 071114
2.001 Undergraduate Admissions (FGCU-PR2.001) 09/23/10 to 07/11/14 Regulation 2.001 - Amended 092310
2.001 Undergraduate Admissions (FGCU-PR2.001) 06/04/09 to 09/23/10 Regulation 2.001 - Original 060709
3.001  Accreditation (FGCU-PR3.001) 10/21/08 to 05/30/17  Regulation 3.001 - Original 102108
3.002  Honorary Degrees (FGCU-PR3.002) 06/07/16 to 09/14/21 Regulation 3.002 - Amended 060716
3.002  Honorary Degrees (FGCU-PR3.002) 04/21/09 to 06/07/16  Regulation 3.002 - Original 042109
3.003  Textbook Adoption and Affordability 04/11/17 to 12/11/20 Regulation 3.003 - Reformatted 121120
3.003  Textbook Adoption and Affordability (FGCU-PR3.003) 01/15/13 to 04/11/17 Regulation 3.003 - Amended 011513
3.003  Textbook Adoption and Affordability (FGCU-PR3.003) 01/19/10 to 01/15/13 Regulation 3.003 - Original 011910
3.004 Educational Research Center for Child Development (FGCU-PR3.004) 06/16/09 to 04/13/21 Regulation 3.004 - Original 061609
3.005  Graduate Admissions (FGCU-PR3.005) 07/11/14 to 10/13/20 Regulation 2.001 - Amended 091516
3.005  Graduate Admissions (FGCU-PR3.005) 10/26/11 to 07/11/14  Regulation 3.005 - Amended 102611
3.005 Graduate Admissions (FGCU-PR3.005) 04/19/11 to 10/26/11 Regulation 3.005 - Original 041911
4.001  Students Rights and Responsibilities (FGCU-PR4.001) 01/15/08 to 09/20/11  Regulation 4.001 - Original 011508 
4.002  Student Code of Conduct and Student Conduct Review Process  06/08/21 to 09/14/21 Regulation 4.002 - Amended 060821
4.002  Student Code of Conduct and Student Conduct Review Process  10/29/20 to 06/08/21 Regulation 4.002 - Amended 102920
4.002  Student Code of Conduct and Student Conduct Review Process (Emergency Regulation) 08/11/20 to 10/29/20 Regulation 4.002 - Amended 081120
4.002  Student Code of Conduct and Student Conduct Review Process  01/14/20 to 08/11/20  Regulation 4.002 - Amended 011420 
4.002  Student Code of Conduct and Student Conduct Review Process (FGCU-PR4.002) 06/11/19 to 01/14/20 Regulation 4.002 - Amended 061119 
4.002  Student Code of Conduct and Student Conduct Review Process (FGCU-PR4.002) 04/11/17 to 06/11/19 Regulation 4.002 - Amended 041117
4.002  Student Code of Conduct and Student Conduct Review Process (FGCU-PR4.002)  09/08/15 to 04/11/17 Regulation 4.002 - Amended 090815
4.002  Student Code of Conduct and Student Conduct Review Process (FGCU-PR4.002)  06/17/14 to 09/08/15 Regulation 4.002 - Amended 061714
4.002  Student Code of Conduct and Student Conduct Review Process (FGCU-PR4.002)  06/19/12 to 06/17/14 Regulation 4.002 - Amended 061912
4.002  Student Code of Conduct and Student Conduct Review Process (FGCU-PR4.002)  04/17/12 to 06/19/12 Regulation 4.002 - Amended 041712
4.002  Student Code of Conduct and Student Conduct Review Process (FGCU-PR4.002)  09/20/11 to 04/17/12 Regulation 4.002 - Amended 092011
4.002  Student Code of Conduct and Student Conduct Review Process (FGCU-PR4.002)  01/18/11 to 09/20/11 Regulation 4.002 - Amended 011811
4.002  Code of Conduct and Judicial Process (FGCU-PR4.002)  01/15/08 to 01/18/11 Regulation 4.002 - Original 011508
4.004 Student Disputes Resolution (FGCU-PR4.004) 04/19/16 to 06/14/22 Regulation 4.004 - Amended 041916
4.004  Student Grievances (FGCU-PR4.004) 10/21/08 to 04/19/16  Regulation 4.004 - Amended 102108 
4.004  Student Grievance Procedure (FGCU-PR4.004) 01/15/08 to 10/21/08 Regulation 4.004 - Original 011508
4.005 Student Activities Eligibility (FGCU-PR4.005) 01/20/15 to 08/01/18 Regulation 4.005 - Amended 012015
4.005  Student Activities Eligibility (FGCU-PR4.005) 01/17/12 to 01/20/15  Regulation 4.005 - Amended 011712
4.005  Student Activities Eligibility (FGCU-PR4.005) 04/19/11 to 01/17/12  Regulation 4.005 - Amended 041911
4.005  Student Activities Eligibility (FGCU-PR4.005) 04/20/10 to 04/19/11 Regulation 4.005 - Amended 042010
4.005  Student Activities (FGCU-PR4.005) 01/15/08 to 04/20/10 Regulation 4.005 - Original 011508
4.007  Administrative Withdrawal (FGCU-PR4.007) 01/15/13 to 06/09/20  Regulation 4.007 - Amended 011513 
4.007  Administrative Withdrawal (FGCU-PR4.007) 06/17/08 to 01/15/13 Regulation 4.007 - Original 061708
4.009 Social Fraternities and Sororities (FGCU-PR4.009) 06/15/10 to 08/01/18 Regulation 4.009 - Original 061510
5.001  Employee Compensation and Classification Plans (FGCU-PR5.001) 06/18/13 to 06/07/16  Regulation 5.001 - Amended 061813 
5.001  Employee Compensation and Classification Plans (FGCU-PR5.001) 10/21/08 to 06/18/13 Regulation 5.001 - Amended 102108
5.001  Employee Compensation and Classification Plans (FGCU-PR5.001) 06/17/08 to 10/21/08 Regulation 5.001 - Amended 061708
5.002 Delegation of Authority (FGCU-PR5.002) - REPEALED 06/17/08  Regulation 5.002 - Repealed 061708 
5.003  Employee Debt Collection (FGCU-PR5.003) 06/11/19 to 09/08/22 Regulation 5.003 - Amended 061119 
5.003  Employee Debt Collection (FGCU-PR5.003) 01/10/10 to 06/11/19  Regulation 5.003 - Amended 011010 
5.003  Employee Debt Collection (FGCU-PR5.003) 01/20/09 to 01/10/10 Regulation 5.003 - Amended 012009
5.003  Employee Debt Collection (FGCU-PR5.003) 10/21/08 to 01/20/09 Regulation 5.003 - Amended 102108
5.003  Employee Debt Collection (FGCU-PR5.003) 01/15/08 to 10/21/08 Regulation 5.003 - Amended 011508
5.004  University Police Department (FGCU-PR5.004) - REPEALED 10/21/08  Regulation 5.004 - Repealed 102108 
5.004  University Police Department (FGCU-PR5.004) 01/15/08 to 10/21/08  Regulation 5.004 - Original 011508 
5.005  Recruitment, Appointment, and Selection (FGCU-PR5.005) - REPEALED 10/21/08  Regulation 5.005 - Repealed 102108 
5.005  Recruitment, Appointment, and Selection (FGCU-PR5.005) 04/17/97 to 10/21/08 Regulation 5.005 - Original 041797 
5.006 Criminal and Background Checks (FGCU-PR5.006) 04/09/19 to 05/05/20  Regulation 5.006 - Amended 040919 
5.006 Criminal and Background Checks (FGCU-PR5.006) 09/18/12 to 04/09/19 Regulation 5.006 - Amended 091812
5.006  Employee Security and Background Checks (FGCU-PR5.006) 06/17/08 to 09/18/12  Regulation 5.006 - Original 061708 
5.007  Employee Recognition Program (FGCU-PR5.007) 06/17/08 to 06/18/13  Regulation 5.007 - Original 061708 
5.008 Personnel Exchange Program (FGCU-PR5.008) - REPEALED 06/17/08 Regulation 5.008 - Repealed 061708
5.008 Personnel Exchange Program (FGCU-PR5.008) 04/17/97 to 06/17/08 Regulation 5.008 - Original 041797
5.010  Nepotism (FGCU-PR5.010) 10/21/08 to 01/14/20  Regulation 5.010 - Amended 102108 
5.010  Nepotism (FGCU-PR5.010) 06/17/08 to 10/21/08 Regulation 5.010 - Amended 061708
5.011  Complaint Review Procedure for USPS Employees (FGCU-PR5.011) - REPEALED 10/21/08  Regulation 5.011 - Repealed 102108 
5.011  Complaint Review Procedure for USPS Employees (FGCU-PR5.011) 04/17/97 to 10/21/08  Regulation 5.011 - Original 041797 
5.012  Outside Employment / Activities (FGCU-PR5.012) 01/15/08 to 10/21/08  Regulation 5.012 - Original 011508 
5.013  Additional State Compensation (FGCU-PR5.013) - REPEALED 06/17/08  Regulation 5.013 - Repealed 061708 
5.013  Additional State Compensation (FGCU-PR5.013) 04/17/97 to 06/17/08  Regulation 5.013 - Original 041797
5.014 Political Activity (FGCU-PR5.014) 10/21/08 to 05/05/20 Regulation 5.014 - Amended 102108
5.014 Political Activity (FGCU-PR5.014) 04/17/97 to 10/21/08 Regulation 5.014 - Original 041797
5.016 Disciplinary Actions (FGCU-PR5.016) 06/18/13 to 09/11/18 Regulation 5.016 - Amended 061813
5.016 Disciplinary Actions (FGCU-PR5.016) 10/21/08 to 06/18/13 Regulation 5.016 - Amended 102108
5.016 Disciplinary Actions (FGCU-PR5.016) 06/17/08 to 10/21/08 Regulation 5.016 - Amended 061708
5.017  Overlap in Position (FGCU-PR5.017) - REPEALED 10/21/08  Regulation 5.017 - Repealed 102108 
5.017  Overlap in Position (FGCU-PR5.017) 04/17/97 to 10/21/08  Regulation 5.017 - Original 041797
5.018 Sick Leave Pool  01/14/20 to 09/14/21 Regulation 5.018 - Amended 011420
5.018 Sick Leave Pool (FGCU-PR5.018) 01/12/16 to 01/14/20 Regulation 5.018 - Amended 011216
5.018 Sick Leave Pool (FGCU-PR5.018) 01/15/08 to 01/12/16 Regulation 5.018 - Original 011508
5.019 Personnel Records: Limited Access 09/14/21 to 01/11/22 Regulation 5.019 - Amended 091421
5.019 Personnel Records: Limited Access (FGCU-PR5.019) 01/19/10 to 09/14/21 Regulation 5.019 - Amended 011910
5.019 Personnel Records: Limited Access (FGCU-PR5.019) 01/20/09 to 01/19/10 Regulation 5.019 - Amended 012009
5.019 Personnel Records: Limited Access (FGCU-PR5.019) 06/17/08 to 01/20/09 Regulation 5.019 - Original 061708
5.020 Appeal of Disciplinary Actions 09/10/24 Regulation 5.020 - Repealed 091024
5.020 Appeal of Disciplinary Actions 01/08/19 to 09/10/24 Regulation 5.020 - Amended 010819
5.020 Grievance (FGCU-PR5.020) 04/21/15 to 01/08/19 Regulation 5.020 - Amended 042115
5.020 Grievance Regulation (FGCU-PR5.020) 06/19/12 to 04/21/15 Regulation 5.020 - Amended 061912
5.020 Grievance Regulation (FGCU-PR5.020) 01/18/11 to 06/19/12 Regulation 5.020 - Amended 011811
5.020 Grievance Regulation (FGCU-PR5.020) 10/21/08 to 01/18/11 Regulation 5.020 - Amended 102108
5.020 Grievance Procedures Non-Unit Faculty and A&P (FGCU-PR5.020) 01/15/08 to 10/21/08 Regulation 5.020 - Original 011508
5.021  Non-Reappointment and Resignation of Non-Unit Faculty and A&P Employees (FGCU-PR5.021) - REPEALED 06/17/08  Regulation 5.021 - Repealed 061708 
5.022 Discipline and Termination for Cause of Non-Unit Faculty and A&P Employees (FGCU-PR5.022) - REPEALED 06/17/08 Regulation 5.022 - Repealed 061708
5.023 Separations (FGCU-PR5.023) 09/11/18 to 09/10/19 Regulation 5.023 - Amended 091118
5.023 Separations (FGCU-PR5.023) 04/19/16 to 09/11/18 Regulation 5.023 - Amended 041916
5.023 Separation from Employment (FGCU-PR5.023) 04/21/15 to 04/19/16 Regulation 5.023 - Amended 042115
5.023 Separation from Employment (FGCU-PR5.023) 06/18/13 to 04/21/15 Regulation 5.023 - Amended 061813
5.023 Separation from Employment (FGCU-PR5.023) 06/17/08 to 06/18/13 Regulation 5.023 - Original 061708
6.008  Protests  01/14/20 to 06/08/21 Regulation 6.008 - Amended 011420 
6.008  Protests (FGCU-PR6.008) 10/21/08 to 01/14/20  Regulation 6.008 - Amended 102108 
6.008  Protests (FGCU-PR6.008) 09/30/99 to 01/15/08 Regulation 6.008 - Amended 093099
6.013 Definitions (FGCU-PR6.013) 01/15/08 to 04/21/09  Regulation 6.013 - Amended 011508 
6.014 Purchasing Authority of the University (FGCU-PR6.014) - REPEALED 01/14/20 Regulation 6.014 - Repealed 011420
6.014 Purchasing Authority of the University (FGCU-PR6.014) 01/15/08 to 01/14/20 Regulation 6.014 - Original 011508
6.015 Competitive Solicitations Requirement (FGCU-PR6.015) - REPEALED 01/14/20 Regulation 6.015 - Repealed 011420
6.015 Competitive Solicitations Requirement (FGCU-PR6.015) 10/21/08 to 01/14/20 Regulation 6.015 - Amended 102108
6.015 Competitive Solicitations Requirement (FGCU-PR6.015) 07/10/03 to 10/21/08 Regulation 6.015 - Amended 071003
6.016  Purchase of Commodities or Contractual Services (FGCU-PR6.016) - REPEALED 01/14/20  Regulation 6.016 - Repealed 011420 
6.016  Purchase of Commodities or Contractual Services (FGCU-PR6.016) 04/21/09 to 01/14/20  Regulation 6.016 - Amended 042109
6.016  Purchase of Commodities or Contractual Services (FGCU-PR6.016) 01/15/08 to 04/21/09 Regulation 6.016 - Original 011508
6.017 Bonds (FGCU-PR6.017) 10/21/08 to 06/14/22 Regulation 6.017 - Amended 102108
6.017  Bonds (FGCU-PR6.017) 01/15/08 to 10/21/08  Regulation 6.017 - Original 011508
6.018 Contracts (FGCU-PR6.018) - REPEALED 01/14/20 Regulation 6.018 - Repealed 011420
6.018 Contracts (FGCU-PR6.018) 04/21/09 to 01/14/20 Regulation 6.018 - Amended 042109
6.018 Contracts (FGCU-PR6.018) 01/15/08 to 04/21/09 Regulation 6.018 - Original 011508
6.019 Standard of Conduct (FGCU-PR6.019) - REPEALED 01/14/20 Regulation 6.019 - Repealed 011420
6.019 Standard of Conduct (FGCU-PR6.019) 01/15/08 to 01/14/20 Regulation 6.019 - Original 011508
6.022 Acquisition of Architect, Engineering, Construction Management, or Design-Build Services (FGCU-PR6.022) 09/17/13 to 04/13/21 Regulation 6.022 - Amended 091713 
6.022  Acquisition of Architect, Engineering, Construction Management, or Design-Build Services (FGCU-PR6.022) 06/18/13 to 09/17/13  Regulation 6.022 - Original 061813 
6.025 Procurement 01/14/20 to 01/12/21  Regulation 6.025 - Original 011420 
7.001 Tuition and Fees 01/12/22 to 06/15/22 Regulation 7.001 - Amended 011222
7.001 Tuition and Fees 06/09/21 to 01/12/22 Regulation 7.001 - Amended 060921
7.001 Tuition and Fees 06/16/20 to 06/09/21 Regulation 7.001 - Amended 061620
7.001 Tuition and Fees (FGCU-PR7.001) 07/11/19 to 06/16/20 Regulation 7.001 - Amended 071119
7.001 Tuition and Fees (FGCU-PR7.001) 06/06/18 to 07/11/19 Regulation 7.001 - Amended 060618
7.001 Tuition and Fees (FGCU-PR7.001) 07/19/17 to 06/06/18 Regulation 7.001 - Amended 071917
7.001 Tuition and Fees (FGCU-PR7.001) 06/10/16 to 07/19/17 Regulation 7.001 - Amended 061016
7.001 Tuition and Fees (FGCU-PR7.001) 06/11/15 to 06/10/16 Regulation 7.001 - Amended 061115
7.001 Tuition and Fees (FGCU-PR7.001) 06/25/14 to 06/11/15 Regulation 7.001 - Amended 062514
7.001 Tuition and Fees (FGCU-PR7.001) 06/19/13 to 06/25/14 Regulation 7.001 - Amended 061913
7.001 Tuition and Fees (FGCU-PR7.001) 06/21/12 to 06/19/13 Regulation 7.001 - Amended 062112
7.001 Tuition and Fees (FGCU-PR7.001) 07/05/11 to 06/21/12 Regulation 7.001 - Amended 070511
7.001 Tuition and Fees (FGCU-ER7.001) 06/21/11 to 07/05/11 Regulation 7.001 - Amended 062111
7.001 Tuition and Fees (FGCU-PR7.001) 07/07/10 to 06/21/11 Regulation 7.001 - Amended 070710
7.001 Tuition and Fees (FGCU-ER7.001) 06/15/10 to 07/07/10 Regulation 7.001 - Amended 061510
7.001 Tuition and Fees (FGCU-PR7.001) 06/29/09 to 06/15/10 Regulation 7.001 - Amended 062909
7.001 Tuition and Fees (FGCU-PR7.001) 10/27/08 to 06/29/09 Regulation 7.001 - Amended 102708 
7.001 Tuition and Fees (FGCU-PR7.001) 08/15/08 to 10/27/08 Regulation 7.001 - Amended 081508 
7.001 Tuition and Fees (FGCU-ER7.001) 06/17/08 to 08/15/08 Regulation 7.001 - Amended 061708
7.001 Tuition and Fees (FGCU-ER7.001) 06/19/07 to 07/27/07  Regulation 7.001 - Amended 061907 
7.001 Tuition and Fees (EC10-7.001) 06/29/06 to 06/19/07 Regulation 7.001 - Amended 062906
7.002 Delinquent Accounts Receivable (FGCU-PR7.002) 09/18/07 to 06/14/22 Regulation 7.002 - Original 091807
7.003  Special Fees (FCGU-PR7.003) 07/05/11 to 01/15/20  Regulation 7.003 - Amended 070511 
7.003  Special Fees (FCGU-PR7.003) 06/21/11 to 07/05/11 Regulation 7.003 - Amended 062111
7.003  Special Fees (FCGU-PR7.003) 06/21/10 to 06/21/11 Regulation 7.003 - Amended 062110
7.003  Special Fees (FGCU-ER7.003) 06/15/10 to 06/21/10 Regulation 7.003 - Amended 061510
7.003  Special Fees (FCGU-PR7.003) 07/01/07 to 06/15/10 Regulation 7.003 - Amended 070107
7.004  Prompt Payment to Vendors (FGCU-PR7.004) - REPEALED 10/21/08  Regulation 7.004 - Repealed 102108 
7.005 Student Financial Aid 01/18/11 to 01/22/21 Regulation 7.005 - Original 011811
7.006 Waiver of Tuition and Fees 09/16/21 to 06/15/22 Regulation 7.006 - Amended 091621
7.006 Waiver of Tuition and Fees (FGCU-PR7.006) 12/07/18 to 09/16/21 Regulation 7.006 - Amended 120718
7.006 Waiver of Tuition and Fees (FGCU-PR7.006) 07/06/17 to 12/07/18 Regulation 7.006 - Amended 070617
7.006 Waivers of Tuition and Fees (FGCU-PR7.006) 01/14/16 to 07/06/17 Regulation 7.006 - Amended 011416
7.006 Waivers of Tuition and Fees (FGCU-PR7.006) 04/19/11 to 01/14/16 Regulation 7.006 - Original 041911
7.007 Debt Management Guidelines (FGCU-PR7.007) 01/10/17 to 01/10/23 Regulation 7.007 - Amended 011017
7.007 Debt Management Guidelines (FGCU-PR7.007) 04/19/11 to 01/10/17 Regulation 7.007 - Original 041911
7.010 Governor's Challenge Rebate Program (FGCU-PR7.010) 04/19/16 to 09/14/21 Regulation 7.010 - Original 061916
8.001  General (FGCU-PR8.001) - REPEALED 10/21/08  Regulation 8.001 - Repealed 102108 
8.001 General (FGCU-PR8.001) 04/17/07 to 10/21/08 Regulation 8.001 - Amended 041707
8.001 General (6C10-8.001) 04/18/06 to 04/17/07 Regulation 8.001 - Original 041806
8.002  Authority of University Police (FGCU-PR8.002) 04/17/07 to 10/21/08  Regulation 8.002 - Amended 041707
8.002  Authority of University Police (6C10-8.002) 04/18/06 to 04/17/07 Regulation 8.002 - Original 041806
8.003  Registration of Vehicles (FGCU-PR8.003) 04/17/07 to 10/21/08  Regulation 8.003 - Amended 041707 
8.003  Registration of Vehicles (6C10-8.003) 04/18/06 to 04/17/07 Regulation 8.003 - Original 041806
8.004 Decal and Permit Fees (FGCU-PR8.004) 04/19/11 to 04/17/12  Regulation 8.004 - Amended 041911
8.004 Decal and Permit Fees (FGCU-PR8.004) 04/20/10 to 04/19/11 Regulation 8.004 - Amended 042010
8.004 Decal and Permit Fees (FGCU-PR8.004) 10/21/08 to 04/20/10 Regulation 8.004 - Amended 102108
8.004 Decal and Permit Fees (FGCU-PR8.004) 01/15/08 to 10/21/08 Regulation 8.004 - Amended 011508
8.004 Decal and Permit Fees (6C10-8.004) 04/17/07 to 01/15/08 Regulation 8.004 - Amended 041707
8.004 Decal and Permit Fees (6C10-8.004) 04/18/06 to 04/17/07 Regulation 8.004 - Original 041806
8.005  General (FGCU-PR8.005) 04/17/12 to 04/21/15  Regulation 8.005 - Amended 041712 
8.005  General (FGCU-PR8.005) 04/19/11 to 04/17/12 Regulation 8.005 - Amended 041911
8.005  General (FGCU-PR8.005) 04/20/10 to 04/19/11 Regulation 8.005 - Amended 042010
8.005  General (FGCU-PR8.005) 10/21/08 to 04/20/10 Regulation 8.005 - Amended 102108
8.005  Parking and Traffic Regulations (FGCU-PR8.005) 04/17/07 to 01/15/08 Regulation 8.005 - Amended 04707
8.005  Regulations (6C10-8.005) 04/18/06 to 04/17/07 Regulation 8.005 - Original 041806
8.006 Parking and Traffic Enforcement (FGCU-PR8.006) 04/17/12 to 04/21/15 Regulation 8.006 - Amended 041712
8.006 Parking and Traffic Enforcement (FGCU-PR8.006) 10/21/08 to 04/17/12 Regulation 8.006 - Amended 102108
8.006 Enforcement (6C10-8.006) 04/17/07 to 10/21/08 Regulation 8.006 - Amended 041707
8.006 Enforcement (6C10-8.006) 04/18/06 to 04/17/07 Regulation 8.006 - Original 041806
9.001 Use of University Facilities (FGCU-PR9.001) 10/10/17 to 09/08/22 Regulation 9.001 - Amended 101017
9.001 Use of University Facilities (FGCU-PR9.001) 06/18/13 to 10/10/17 Regulation 9.001 - Amended 061813
9.001 Use of University Facilities (FGCU-PR9.001) 06/19/12 to 06/18/13 Regulation 9.001 - Amended 061912
9.001 Use of University Facilities (FGCU-PR9.001) 06/16/09 to 06/19/12 Regulation 9.001 - Amended 061609
9.001 Use of University Facilities (FGCU-PR9.001) 01/15/08 to 06/16/09 Regulation 9.001 - Original 011508
9.002 Use of Alcoholic Beverages on University Premises (FGCU-PR9.002) 04/11/17 to 04/13/21 Regulation 9.002 - Amended 041117
9.002  Use of Alcoholic Beverages on University Premises (FGCU-PR9.002) 01/15/08 to 04/11/17  Regulation 9.002 - Original 011508 
9.003  Animal Control (FGCU-PR9.003) 09/17/13 to 10/10/17  Regulation 9.003 - Amended 091713 
9.003  Animal Control (FGCU-PR9.003) 01/15/13 to 09/17/13 Regulation 9.003 - Amended 011513 
9.003  Animal Control (FGCU-PR9.003) 09/21/10 to 01/15/13 Regulation 9.003 - Amended 092110
9.003  Animal Control (FGCU-PR9.003) 08/02/98 to 09/21/10 Regulation 9.003 - Original 080298
9.004 Public Expression and Assembly 08/01/18 to 09/08/22 Regulation 9.004 - Reformatted 080118
9.004 Public Expression and Assembly (FGCU-PR9.004) 06/18/13 to 08/01/18 Regulation 9.004 - Amended 061813
9.004  Public Expression and Assembly (FGCU-PR9.004)  06/19/12 to 06/18/13 Regulation 9.004 - Amended 061912 
9.004  Public Expression and Assembly (FGCU-PR9.004)  04/21/09 to 06/19/12  Regulation 9.004 - Amended 042109 
9.004  Freedom of Speech and Assembly (FGCU-PR9.004) 01/15/08 to 04/21/09  Regulation 9.004 - Original 011508 
9.005 Possession of Firearms and Weapons on University Property (FGCU-PR9.005) 09/21/10 to 01/21/14 Regulation 9.005 - Amended 092110
9.005 Possession of Firearms and Weapons on University Property (FGCU-PR9.005) 08/02/98 to 09/21/10 Regulation 9.005 - Original 080298
9.006 Solicitation on Campus (FGCU-PR9.006) 06/19/12 to 09/08/22 Regulation 9.006 - Amended 061912
9.006 Solicitation on Campus (FGCU-PR9.006) 04/21/09 to 06/19/12 Regulation 9.006 - Amended 042109
9.006 Solicitation on Campus (FGCU-PR9.006) 01/15/08 to 04/21/09 Regulation 9.006 - Original 011508
9.007 Smoking and Consumption of Food in University Buildings (FGCU-PR9.007) 09/08/15 to 04/19/16 Regulation 9.007 - Amended 090815
9.007 Smoking and Consumption of Food in University Buildings (FGCU-PR9.007) 08/02/98 to 09/08/15 Regulation 9.007 - Original 080298