Digital Learning Blog

Respondus Instructor Training Webinars

August 16, 2023  / Digital Learning  / Tag: Respondus

Join us for an upcoming training webinar! Register for any of the sessions via the links below.

LockDown Browser and Respondus Monitor: Protect the Integrity of Online Tests

This training is perfect for instructors who are new to LockDown Browser and/or Respondus Monitor,

or those who want a refresher on how to use these applications to ensure academic integrity

during online exams.

Aug. 15, 17, 22, 23, 29, 30
Sept. 5, 13, 19, 26

Respondus 4.0 and the Test Bank Network: Quickly Create Online Exams

Learn how Respondus 4.0 allows you to create or convert exams that can be published

directly to your learning management system, and how the Respondus Test Bank Network

can be used to generate online tests from official publisher test banks.

Aug. 16
Sept. 14

StudyMate Campus: Flashcards and Learning Games
Learn how to create and share flashcards, self-assessments, and learning games within Canvas,
Blackboard, Brightspace, Schoology, and Moodle. 
Date: Sept. 20 at 2 pm ET / 11 am PT
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