Digital Learning Blog

Support Academic Integrity With Respondus

August 03, 2023  / Digital Learning  / Tags: Respondus, mylab, aleks

Do you use Pearson MyLab or McGraw Hill ALEKS?

If so, it’s never been easier to protect the integrity of your online exams thanks to Respondus Monitor, a fully-automated proctoring system. Join one of our webinars on Wednesday, August 9, to view a demo of how Respondus Monitor works seamlessly with these publisher systems.

Pearson MyLab + Respondus Monitor: Prevent Cheating During Online Tests

For instructors using Pearson MyLab, this webinar will demonstrate how to use the Respondus Monitor proctoring system, provide an overview of licensing options, and cover best practices. A Q&A period will be available at the end.

Date: Aug. 9 at 1 pm ET / 10 am PT

McGraw Hill ALEKS + Respondus Monitor: Prevent Cheating During Online Tests

For instructors who deliver online assessments in McGraw Hill ALEKS (Higher Ed or PPL), this webinar will demonstrate how to set up and use Respondus Monitor proctoring with ALEKS, discuss best practices and licensing, and more. You can ask questions at the end of the session.

Date: Aug. 9 at 3 pm ET / 12 pm PT
Learn more about Respondus Monitor integrations with MyLab and ALEKS