Digital Learning Blog

New Features in Canvas Conferences!

January 05, 2022  / Digital Learning  / Tags: Canvas, BigBlueButton, Conferences

Blindside (BigBlueButton) has rolled out a new version of BigBlueButton, the default video conferencing tool (Conferences) in Canvas. With this new version there are several enhancements that instructors might find useful.

One of the features we are excited about is the Learning Dashboard, a live view of in-class analytics that helps instructors answer three questions during their online class:

    • Who is attending a session (and for how long)?
    • Are students participating? (based on talking, chatting, raising hands, emojis, and responding to polls)
    • Are students learning? (based on responses to polls)

For an overview of the new features, see

For a short, 5 minute video on the new features, see

 This new version is enabled in all FGCU courses.