Political Sciences BA
The BA program in Political Science is designed to provide students with the analytical tools needed to address local, regional, and national public policy issues, as well as to achieve their career objectives.
4 yr plan to graduation (general ba) 4 yr plan to graduation (Int'l Rel) 4 yr plan to graduation (law & pol)
Political Science is the central field for imparting knowledge of political processes, political values, and public policy. It also plays a key role in cultivating critical thinking and problem-solving skills. This combination of knowledge and skills is valuable not only for individuals engaged directly in public policy-making and administration, but also for those involved in business and non-profit activities. In recent years acquiring the knowledge and skills associated with Political Science has taken on a heightened urgency due to the complexities of an increasingly global economy and diverse U.S. population, as well as to the increasingly intricate relationships between public- sector, private-sector, and non-profit organizations. Adding to this sense of urgency in Florida is the state’s rapid pace of demographic change and the delicate environmental constraints within which its sustainable planning and development efforts must be carried out.
The BA program in Political Science is designed to provide students with the analytical tools needed to address local, regional, and national public policy issues, as well as to achieve their career objectives. Using a variety of innovative approaches, it provides students with the knowledge and skills essential for dealing with the emerging trends reshaping the political landscape.
A baccalaureate degree in Political Science can aid a student’s career pursuits in local, state, and federal government, research and lobbying for business and non-profit organizations, and public interest work for community service organizations. A baccalaureate degree in Political Science also provides an excellent foundation for students who intend to pursue graduate study in law, business, or the social sciences.
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- International Relations and Comparative Politics Concentration
- Law and Politics Concentration
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Tuition, Fees, and Financial Assistance
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Preparing for Law School
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