Request A Meeting
How to Schedule a Meeting:
Please feel free to contact Dr. Daniel Hoover, the Ombuds, at any time by phone to
schedule a meeting. In the interest of confidentiality, it is best not to share details
about your reason for wanting to meet through email.
If you prefer to communicate anonymously, please contact the office at 239-590-1022.
Whenever you are ready to "visit" the Ombuds Office, we will arrange a convenient
and confidential meeting. We believe we can be most effective if we meet with you
face-to-face (Zoom/Teams/In-person), but if necessary we can work with you over the
phone. Our standards of practice include independence, impartiality, informality, and confidentiality. For a more detailed understanding of our standards and Code of Ethics, you may visit
If you are concerned about contacting our office over email or scheduling an appointment
online, please call our office directly at 239-590-1022.
- Note about email: e-mail communications in public universities in Florida, including FGCU, are generally of public record and because we maintain strict confidentiality our office does not provide professional Ombuds services via electronic messaging.
- Note about voicemail: Please know the FGCU voicemail system will attach the voicemail as an email. We recommend leaving a brief message with just your call back information and name or pseudonym.
- Note about phone: If you choose to call and are concerned about caller ID and your identity, in order to protect your identity, we recommend you consider taking the appropriate steps or select an alternative method. That way your phone number will be unknown and not leave a record in university systems. It is your responsibility as the called to determine what best fits your needs.
- Note about mail or drop-by notes: You may use the US postal system or FGCU interoffice mail to request to meet with an ombuds or deliver a note to our door. These methods would suit someone who prefers to have as few digital breadcrumbs left of your request to meet. Our Office address is Edwards 211 and where we receive mail is: 10501 FGCU Blvd, Edwards Hall 211, Fort Myers, FL 33965
If you want to meet with an ombuds please let us know how to contact you back and
whether you would prefer we use a mailing address, or a non-FGCU email or non-FGCU
phone to do so. We do not maintain paper records related to visitors to our office,
including those requests-to-meet.
When scheduling a meeting you may write "anonymous" for your name with any scheduling
option. Scheduling outside of a phone call is accomplished through an external website:
All meetings are voluntary and confidential.
**PLEASE note that because of the confidential and informal nature of the Ombudsman,
it is not considered an "office of notice" to the University. To give notice to the
University, an individual must go to the appropriate office or personnel.
*** CONFIDENTIALITY: As a reminder, all interactions with the Ombuds are strictly
confidential except if: (1) the visitor requests disclosure and the Ombuds determines
it to be an appropriate option; or (2) the Ombuds asks for and receives permission
for disclosure; or (3) the Ombuds determines that there is an imminent risk to health,
safety, or serious harm to people or property.
Before Visiting The Ombuds:
Initial intake meetings are typically scheduled any may take 30-60 mins. The Ombuds will briefly orient you to the established process and will actively
listen to your workplace concern(s). The intake form provides the ombuds anonymous, non-identifying, aggregated information to better track the issues and concerns.
The Ombuds provides anonymous, non-identifying, aggregated feedback to the university.
Please note that although providing institutional feedback is an important function
of the Ombuds role, it does not outweigh confidentiality. Be assured that all identifying information will be held in strict confidence; demographic
information is only reported in aggregate to protect the integrity and confidentiality
of the Ombuds process. We do not ask for your name or contact information.
You do not need to bring anything, but if you have documents (email exchanges, letters
of discipline, performance evaluations, etc.) you are welcome to bring them to facilitate
your meeting. However, the Ombuds Office is informal and does not maintain such records.
When and Where: Daniel is willing to meet with you at any time and at any location where you feel
comfortable, on campus or off during normal business hours. This can include local
restaurants or coffee shops at your convenience. In the interest of providing a neutral
and confidential space, our office is located in Edwards 211.
The Ombuds will:
- Provide a comfortable, confidential environment to air workplace problems, concerns or complaints
- Develop an accurate understanding of the problem, concern or complaint
- Explore options for resolution and next steps
- Assist in the review of questions you have regarding a Regulation, Policy or procedure
You do not need to bring anything, but if you have documents (email exchanges, letters of discipline, performance evaluations, etc.) you are welcome to bring them to facilitate your meeting. However, the Ombuds Office is informal and does not maintain such records.