Dr. Bauer Discusses Physical Activity and Pregnancy with Radio Host, Carl Thornton, Jr.
April 24, 2020 / Tags: Department of Rehabilitation Sciences, Exercise Science, Physical Activity, Pregnancy
Late last month, Dr. Bauer sat down for a phone interview with Carl Thornton, Jr., from radio show "Speaking with Carl Thornton, Jr.". Dr. Bauer sheds light on the importance of physical activity before, during, and after pregnancy.
Dr. Patti Bauer discusses the changes to the female human body during all three trimesters of pregnancy, and how these changes not only directly affect the mother carrying, but how they can indirectly affect the rest of the household/ spouse or partner.
They don't call it labor for no reason. Labor is the word of work.
Dr. Bauer compares pregnancy and labor to a marathon. "They don't call it labor for no reason. Labor is the word of work. It's not as if somebody would go run a marathon without preparing their body..." She goes on to say, that just like with a marathon and how you must properly train your body, you can train and prepare your body for labor through physical activity.
In 2018, Health and Human Services.gov recommended guidelines were 150 minutes of moderate physical activity a week. Dr. Bauer goes on to say the same recommendations apply to pregnant women, with certain modifications that limit fall risk.
Click here to listen to the full segment and other topics Dr. Patti Bauer touched on.
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