Lucas Center Blog

Mid-semester feedback for Fall 2024

September 30, 2024  / Bill Reynolds 

Have you considered seeking midterm feedback from your students? Midterm feedback can help you improve the learning experience and class environment for students at a point in the semester when changes can still have an effect on student learning. It also communicates to students that you value their experience and ideas.

Here is questionnaire Midterm feedback form you can use if you find it would generate useful information. (The attached questionnaire is available in Canvas Commons for direct import into your course. Go to Canvas Commons, select the filter for FGCU, and type “midterm feedback” into the search bar.) Please add/delete/modify questions or use a different system so that the feedback is helpful to you and your students. For example, you may choose to copy questions from the SPoI (available here: so that you can compare students’ perceptions of your teaching early in the semester to how they perceive your teaching when the course ends. Or, some faculty find the “start, stop, continue” approach effective. (Three simple, open-ended questions: 1) What would you like your professor to start doing and why? 2) What would you like your professor to stop doing and why? 3) What would you like your professor to continue doing because it is helping you learn?)

Also available as a way of getting feedback is Small Group Instructional Diagnosis, a structured interview process in which your students are asked by an experienced interviewer what helps them learn in that course and how improvements could be made. It requires 25 – 40 minutes of class time, and a Lucas Center staff member will provide participating faculty with a summary of the student feedback. This process can be conducted in a class being held in-person or synchronously online. For more information please contact the Lucas Center, or drop by Library 221 to chat.

