Lucas Center Blog

2020 Lucas Center Faculty Fellow: Megan McShane

October 06, 2020  / Megan McShane 

Tell us about your life before you came to FGCU.

Before I came to FGCU I was teaching at Spellman and Morehouse in Atlanta, two small historically Black colleges in Atlanta, GA. I also taught at the Atlanta College of Art, which has now become part of the Savannah College of Art and Design. Additionally, I had teaching duties as part of my PhD fellowship at Emory University in the Violence Studies program. My Masters was undertaken at the University of Notre Dame where I worked in the Reilly Center for Ethics and Values in Technology, in addition to pursuing early research on artists who specialize in Waste Management issues and large bioremediation projects, or artists who collaborated with scientists in toxicology and environmental science. For undergraduate work, I studied at Arizona State University in the Herberger Institute, ranked number one in the US for innovation for many years in a row. Most people do not equate art history with technology or STEM fields, but I’ve been working in the crossover since the 1980s. I also work with the MIT MediaLab in synthetic biology and community lab initiatives. The umbrella that covers my research and teaching activities has to do with art as it intersects with technology and innovation.

  • How long have you been teaching at FGCU?

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  • What kind of books do you most like to read for pleasure? What’s a recent title you would recommend?

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  • If you could have dinner with any historical figure, who would it be and what would you ask them?

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  •   What new teaching techniques/technologies have you learned or used as a result of working remotely that you could share with other colleagues

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  •   What are you doing to take care of your mental health during social isolation?

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  • When life returns to some semblance of “normal” what do you most look forward to doing/experiencing?

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