Ideas for Infusing COIL Projects in Courses
February 06, 2023
The Lucas Center for Faculty Development & Global Engagement Office invite you to a session on:
Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL):
Ideas for Infusing COIL Projects in Courses
Facilitated by: Dr. Tunde Szecsi and Dr. Debra Giambo
Are you ready to create professional connections for you and your students across the globe? International online collaboration among university students and faculty offers opportunities for innovation and numerous benefits. This informational session on planning and implementing COIL in courses will provide ideas and resources, and technical assistance and information will be available.
This session is part of the Global Engagement Office’s COIL initiative.
This session will be facilitated on Monday, March 20th from 10:30a-12:00p in the Lucas Center (LIB-221) or virtually via Zoom.
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