Lucas Center Blog

Free Online Teaching & Learning Conference Hosted by Elon University, August 13th

July 26, 2024 

As you prepare to return to the classroom this fall, perhaps you feel the need for a little “tune-up” to get back into the teaching groove. If so, check out the 20th Annual Elon University Teaching and Learning Conference on Tuesday, August 13 - It’s fully online, free (!), and the lineup of presenters and panelists includes educators with whom Lucas Center staff have collaborated (Alison Cook-Sather) and authors whose books we have featured in Center book groups and workshops (Peter Felten, Mary-Ann Winkelmes). The theme of the conference is “Divergent Teaching: Empathy, Rigor, and Beyond.” Here is a blurb from the conference website describing the theme:

Divergent thinking entails creatively exploring multiple avenues to address a problem. This year at Elon’s 20th annual Teaching and Learning conference we explore divergent teaching, considering multiple ways to take on the challenges of college teaching as we work with a new population of learners. How do we as instructors teach creatively and inclusively while emphasizing the importance of empathy and innovative pedagogical approaches?

You may be able to get a jump on achieving one or more annual professional development goals related to teaching and learning by attending this conference and integrating something you learn into your pedagogical tool box this year. You can review the program here - In addition, check out Elon’s Open Access Book Series, which includes books about the scholarship of teaching and learning, writing about teaching, and pedagogical partnerships, all of which are areas of focus for the Lucas Center --
