President's Report 3/17/23
March 16, 2023 / Anna Carlin
Faculty Senate ad hoc teams
The Research Process and Procedures taskforce has met a couple of times as is starting to look at the existing forms, guidelines and procedures for the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs. This group is not trying to change rules or procedures, but find ways to make it more clear and easy for faculty to work through.
The Legislative Ad Hoc committee met to look at HB 999 and it's companion senate bill. The group is working on looking at the different part of the bill and what recommendations we might have to mitigate the negative impacts of different sections more than just hoping that it goes away. There has been a "proposed committee substitution" filed and accepted just this week, which shows that this bill is changing and may continue to change.
Academic policy changes review
The Student Affairs Team is looking at some proposed changes to the academic standing and withdrawal procedures that are published in the catalog. Following their review, they will make a recommendation regarding the proposed changes and they will either move on to Provost approval or be further considered by stakeholders for changes. I will wait to send the drafts to Faculty Senate to look at until the team has completed their review.
SPoI dashboard updated
The SPoI dashboard that was launched in Summer 2022 has recently been updated with the SPOI data from the Summer and Fall 2022 semesters. The SPoI questions did change slightly between Spring 22 and Summer 22, so there are two versions of the dashboard that display the old questions and the new questions.
Classroom utilization
The Board of Governors visit to FGCU to survey facilities is complete. One point of interest from this reporting process is, that according to the BOG formulas, we are under utilizing our classroom space and don't need any more classrooms. We may want to take a look at how our current inventory of classrooms are used or not used and see if we can find out if there are particular types of classrooms that are not needed so that they can be retrofit or repurposed.
Nominations for Senate Officers at 3/31 Meeting
We are down to our last couple meetings for this school year. Nominations for all Faculty Senate officer positions will be collected at the penultimate meeting of the year , which is March 31. A sitting senator needs to have time left on their term or plan to run for re-election to Faculty Senate to be an officer next year. According to the Faculty Governance Document, starting line 199:
Any academic advisor, instructor, assistant, associate or full professor or librarian who has completed one academic year of service in the FGCU Faculty Senate before the start of the term of office can be elected as the Faculty Senate secretary, communication officer or parliamentarian. Any assistant, associate or full professor or librarians with at least three years’ experience as a faculty member at FGCU, including at least one year experience in the FGCU faculty senate, at the beginning of the term in question, can be elected to the office of faculty senate vice president or president.
Elections for all officer spots will happen at our last meeting of the year, April 14. The officers are:
Communication Officer
Please talk to your colleagues about your intent to either run for office or nominate them for office so that we will be prepared to get through the nomination and election process efficiently.
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