Student Preparedness

Get Ready and Stay Ready

Be In The Know

Don't know where to start? Take a look at some highlights from the Emergency Response Guide.

Campus Alert Systems

Learn more about the various ways the University will communicate with community members regarding incidents and emergencies. 

Learn More

Disaster Supply Kit

Get an idea of the types of items you may need using this template hurricane/disaster supply kit list. 

Learn More

Watches, Warnings, Advisories and Outlooks

What's the difference, and how does it affect the way we plan for disasters? Find out more here. 

Learn More

Know Your Responsibilities and Resources 

In the event of an emergency, classes will maintain normal schedules unless the President, Vice President of Academic Affairs, or designee sends notification of class cancellation. 

You are responsible!

Class assignments will be due as assigned unless notified by the course instructor. Students should consult the syllabus for each course to determine if emergency assignments are outlined for the course. Refer to Canvas for any additional instructions from your professor and to communicate any mitigating circumstances regarding assignments. 


Are you concerned about what would happen with your dining/meal plan if campus closed due to a hurricane? See some frequently asked questions below: 

When do dining locations close?

Campus Dining operations will be reviewed by FGCU Business Services, the FGCU Cabinet, and the current Dining Services operator to make the best decision based on the needs of campus as well as the safety of the operators and diners.

FGCU CAmpus Dining Homepage

Are meal plans used during sheltering?

There are various situational sheltering operations that mean different degrees of feeding. In case of an emergency (such as a hurricane) where FGCU is housing students on campus, students will be fed to the best of the University's ability. There will be no out-of-pocket meal-related costs to the students who remain in housing and are fed by the university during an emergency.

Do students get credit for days the campus is closed on meal plans?

This will be a situational call. During Hurricane Irma, the university extended its class schedule, which opened up additional dates for meal plan users to utilize their plans. Students who have a meal plan are not typically reimbursed for "lost" meals during a campus emergency closure, as they can use those meals during the remainder of the semester. This could change depending on the extent of the closure.

For more information, visit the Meal Membership Terms and Conditions and Dining Member Information pages. 

Prior to an emergency, preferably prior to or within the first two weeks of the semester, it is important to establish information for your needs. 

International Services Assistance:
  • Undergraduate and Graduate F-1 International Students
  • J-1 visa Exchange Visitor Students (including sponsored students)
  • Visiting Scholars
  • J-1 visa Interns
Establish Information for Your Needs
  • Campus health insurance
  • Campus Health and Wellness Center
  • Institutional risk management office
  • Community health centers and hospitals
In Case of an Emergency:
  • Have your passport or other identification document with you in case you need to provide information to shelter or law enforcement.
  • Contact the Office of International Services to regularly update emergency contact information if a change is needed.
  • Contact International Services if you have any questions relating to campus closure, return to your home country, or financial hardship related to an emergency.

It is the student's responsibility to direct family to FGCU Official Communication. In the RAVE Guardian App, if you go into your profile and add your Guardian's phone numbers and/or email addresses as a second or third phone or email address, They will receive the same alerts as you do and be kept up to date if an incident arises on campus. 

For more information, visit the Global Engagement Office or contact: 

Timothy Gjini 

Associate Director, International Services

Reed Hall 121
(239) 590-7690

Global Engagement Office

If you are an incoming student or a current student needing accommodations for the first time, please email us at or by phone at 239-590-7956 to get more information. 

If you are a student currently registered with Adaptive Services, please refer to the Adaptive Services Canvas page for all information regarding receiving accommodations and services. 

FGCU Adaptive Services

If you or a loved one are dependent on an electrical device to maintain essential life functions or have a life-threatening medical condition, consider registering for special needs sheltering. Use the links below to find out more information on your county's special needs programs: 

Financial preparedness begins long before hurricane season begins.

Short-Term Strategies

  • Withdraw enough cash to make purchases for at least 7 days - Hurricanes may close stores and disable ATM machines for days or weeks based on the severity of damage.
  • Fill your vehicle with gas. If you have a generator, it is best to stock up on extra gasoline in secure containers and store it in a safe place so you can fuel your generator if the power goes out.
  • Secure important documents such as birth certificates, social security cards, passports, insurance paperwork, and other items that you may need to make claims after the storm. Review the terms of insurance claims and ask questions before the storm if possible to save time afterwards.
  • Speak with your supervisor to understand anticipated hours of work before and after the hurricane. This will assist with evacuation decisions to minimize time missed from work.

Long-Term Strategies

  • Establish an emergency account with a goal to deposit enough to pay expenses for 3 months. Do not take money from this account unless an emergency comes up and you need funds.
  • Obtain insurance coverage for items of importance. This would include things such as renter's insurance to cover the cost of damage to items in your residence hall or home.
  • You can buy one item a week for your diaster kit to make it manageable. 
  • Identify likely hazards for your home; create an annual or longer-term schedule to mitigate the issues related to these hazards. For example, if you have large trees, have them trimmed just prior to hurricane season.

FGCU Resident Students

  • The residence halls will be secured at a designated date and time and will not be re-opened until cleared for safety and security. You will not be able to access your room until the residence hall is evaluated for damage and safety. This could be several days after the storm passes based on repairs to be made. The Office of Housing and Residence Life will notify residents of an evacuation timeline and procedures.

FGCU Non-Resident Students

  • Seek shelter in a safe location outside of the projected surge warning areas. Each county in the state of Florida is required to maintain emergency shelters. Look up shelters in your area by visiting your county's emergency management website.

General Tips 

  • Plan to be in a shelter for a minimum of three days.
  • Prohibited Items: Weapons, Illegal drugs, Alcohol, Items that produce flames and Tents
  • Generally each person is provided 20 square feet, but the amount could be half of that or less in an extreme sheltering situation.

See the Make a Plan section below for more useful information. 

Make a Plan

There are several things to take into consideration when making a plan. Plan for what best suits your needs and circumstances.