Digital Learning Blog

Attendance Dashboard Resources

November 16, 2022  / Department of Digital Learning  / Tags: Canvas, attendance dashboard

Canvas Attendance Dashboard Resources

For Online Courses

We have enabled a timesaving new tool to add to your courses this spring, the Attendance Dashboard. You can select one or more Online Attendance Criteria to define Online Attendance in your course, when a student meets any of the selected criteria on a given day, that student is marked as “attended” for that day. You can filter the Online Attendance dashboard to view data by course, section, or individual student OR filter by day of week and students who did or did not meet the criteria.

Attendance Criteria That You Can Select From:

    • Course Access: Student views a page in the course
    • Posts: Student posts a new comment to an announcement or a discussion
    • Assignments: Student submits an assignment
    • Conferences: Student joins a Big Blue Button conference
    • Pages: Student creates a page
    • Quizzes: Student starts taking a Classic Quiz or submits a Classic Quiz
    • Collaborations: student loads a collaboration to view/edit a document

The Online Attendance Dashboard is a function of New Analytics. New Analytics can be enabled by going to your course's Settings and the Feature Options tab. Having New Analytics enabled shows no impact on your course. It simply provides additional data. New Analytics is still in development, and features are still releasing. It is helpful to note the product is actively updated and modified. 


How do I view the Online Attendance report in New Analytics?

What is New Analytics?

Please contact an Instructional Technologist in the Department of Digital Learning if you have any questions.