Digital Learning Blog

Vlog: Engaging Virtual Environments

November 09, 2022  / Digital Learning  / Tags: Book Bytes, technology enhanced, Online Teaching, Vlog

Book Bytes:  Engaging Virtual Environments


Ricevuto, Joanne., Laura. McLaughlin, and Lillian. Nave. Engaging Virtual Environments : Creative Ideas and Online Tools to Promote Student Interaction, Participation, and Active Learning. 1st ed. Bloomfield: Stylus Publishing, LLC, 2022. Print.

What is the topic?

It’s about using practical and simple online tools and strategies to promote student interaction, participation, and active learning

Why is the topic important?

Faculty are utilizing Canvas more and more.  Even if you teach F2F, you know that you can support and engage students throughout the week with content online.  The question becomes: What content is best to support student success? This book answers that question with numerous practical strategies and easy to use technologies.  Strategies and technologies discussed in this book have been used in the authors’ own classrooms and can be implemented in “small” ways. 

Who can use this information?

  • Online, F2F, Hybrid instructors/faculty
  • Instructional Designers

Top three takeaways

  1. Tips, Tools, and Templates
  2. The authors discuss “Instructor as…” and do a great job of identifying the responsibilities, questions, and decisions you need to make for each role
  3. There should be a supportive, engaging, and dynamic online community for every delivery mode of instruction.

Read it at FGCU Library as an e-book