Digital Learning Virtual Book Club Series: Intentional Tech by Derek Bruff
May 04, 2022 / Department of Digital Learning / Tags: Book Club, Ed Tech
Bruff, D. (2019). Intentional tech: Principles to guide the use of Educational Technology in college teaching. West Virginia University Press.
June 2022 will be our fourth offering in the Digital Learning Virtual Book Club Series. This summer we will dive into Intentional Tech by Derek Bruff. Intentional Tech is a free ebook in the FGCU library!
From the editor:
Chalkboards and projectors are familiar tools for most college faculty, but when new technologies become available, instructors aren’t always sure how to integrate them into their teaching in meaningful ways. For faculty interested in supporting student learning, determining what’s possible and what’s useful can be challenging in the changing landscape of technology.
Arguing that teaching and learning goals should drive instructors’ technology use, not the other way around, Intentional Tech explores seven research-based principles for matching technology to pedagogy. Through stories of instructors who creatively and effectively use educational technology, author Derek Bruff approaches technology not by asking “How to?” but by posing a more fundamental question: “Why?”
For a quick synopsis, please view Book Bytes episode 7 (2021).
We know the summer is a busy time for faculty. The Department of Digital Learning’s Virtual Book Club offers a hybrid experience with asynchronous discussions and synchronous meetings to fit everyone’s busy schedule. The book is divided into four parts and will follow the schedule below for optional synchronous meetings via zoom:
Chapters 1&2: Tuesday 6/7 10-11am
Chapters 3&4: Tuesday 6/14 10-11am
Chapters 5&6: Tuesday 6/21 10-11am
Chapter 7 & Final Thoughts 6/28 10-11am
If you are interested in joining the summer 2022 Digital Learning Virtual Book Club Series to discuss seven research-based principles to guide the use of educational technology in college teaching, please register through our Learning Stream portal.
If you have any questions about the book or the book club, please contact Dr. Diane Marks, Senior Instructional Designer.
We look forward to discussing Intentional Tech with you this summer!
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