Digital Learning Blog

Lots to Love in the Library

June 07, 2021  / Instructional Design Team & Librarians 

The summer is a great time of year to expore the quiet areas of the beautiful FGCU campus. The Digital Learning instructional design team recently took a walk through the air-conditioned library to check out the new scanning station and explore some of the other great resources available for faculty. 

Media Production Studio

The FGCU library has a media production studio open to faculty, students, and staff on the first floor. The studio has a greenscreen with video and audio equipment.  You will need to complete an orientation before reserving the studio.  You can complete an orientation online or in-person.

  • Media Production Studio Guide
  • Orientation and in-depth help videos

Scan and Save as PDF, MP3 and MOREScanning Station

Check out the new free scanning station by the Circulation Desk. Save scans as a PDF or mp3 to your flash drive, preferred email, or your favorite cloud service storage. This device is a great way to:

  • Scan a chapter of a textbook on reserve.
  • Scan articles from magazines.
  • Scan notes or other printed material to save electronically.
  • Create an MP3 audio file of your text.

 If you need help, please ask at the Circulation Desk or email

Textbooks @ the Library

The FGCU library has over a thousand current textbooks on reserve.  Some are available as e-books.  On the textbooks page, select the blue “search” button to check if your text is available. You can search by instructor, course title or number, or by the book’s author, title, and more.  We do not offer every textbook that is assigned for a semester, but we give high priority to adding those that are high cost, high use, and for high enrollment undergraduate courses.  Want to recommend a textbook title for purchase?  Contact the subject librarian in your area.

Finding Course Materials

Did you know that your subject librarian can help you find materials to teach your course? Contact your subject librarian today.  

Loanable Equipment

Borrow GoPro cameras, laptops, calculators, phone chargers, and more!

Kits and Games

Borrow a 3D pen, a circuit kit, a reptile specimen kit, or more!  In the mood for a game?  Titles include the Great Western trail or Carcassonne.

New York Times Bestsellers & FGCU Author Series

Find a summer beach read!  Shelves are on the first floor, near Starbucks.

Summer Hours & Help

  • Library Hours
  • Circulation Desk (239) 590-7610 or
  • Virtual Research help Ask a Librarian. 
  • Meet your subject specialist.