Book Bytes Vlog - Episode 04
January 21, 2021 / Dr. Diane Marks
Read this book and discuss ideas with other faculty. Join our book club!
What is the topic?
Utilizing specific online pedagogical practices to support the success of online students through their entire academic career.
Why the topic is important?
- HIPs benefit instructors by directing them to what practices are known to be successful across disciplines and contexts (saves time and energy).
- HIPs benefit students by saving them time and energy and ensuring support for their learning throughout their educational career.
Who can use this information?
- Faculty and instructors teaching
- Online
- Synchronous
- Hybrid
- Hyflex
Top 3 takeaways
- The constellation of ten HIPs demonstrates the interrelated nature of the practices
- HIPs are generalizable and should be used together and across disciplines and contexts.
- Integrating HIPs in your course is one way to increase student success and retention.
Faculty can read the entire eBook through the FGCU library.