Summer 2020 Training and Professional Development
June 03, 2020 / The Department of Digital Learning / Tags: Training, Digital Learning, Professional Development, Canvas
The Department of Digital Learning will be offering a variety of training and professional development opportunities for faculty this summer. Please review the list of workshops and academies and decide which opportunities will best fit your needs.
- Canvas and Kaltura Training
- Professional Development Academies
All workshops and academies will take place completely online. View descriptions and dates below for registration. If you're not sure after reading the descriptions, view this video.
The Introduction to Canvas Online Workshop is a self-paced asynchronous workshop where you will explore and master the fundamentals of Canvas: navigation, notifications, course customization, syllabi, calendar and course events, importing content, adding colleagues and course publishing; access Canvas guides and help, announcements, discussions, quizzes, content organization, rubrics and grading.
Who Should Attend: Newly hired faculty and faculty who need to learn the basics of Canvas.
This workshop is self-paced and faculty should expect to spend approximately 5-10 hours completing the workshop.
Intermediate Canvas Online Workshop is a self-paced asynchronous course for instructors who are experienced Canvas users. Participants will learn how to successfully use intermediate and advanced Canvas features for remote, on-campus, and online instruction. Helpful tips and tricks will be included, as well as pedagogical examples where applicable.
Who Should Attend: Faculty who have completed Canvas I and II, Introduction to Canvas Online Workshop or have previous experience teaching with Canvas and want to learn about some of the intermediate features and tools.
This workshop is self-paced and faculty should expect to spend approximately 5-10 hours completing the workshop.
The Preparing to Teach Remotely Workshop is a self-paced asynchronous workshop where
faculty will develop a plan to move their face-to-face course(s) to remote course(s).
Faculty will identify how the syllabus will be shared, how grades will be shared,how
content will be shared, how activities/assignments will be delivered, and how you
will communicate with students.
Who Should Attend: Newly hired faculty and faculty who did not teach a remote course during the Spring or Summer session. Faculty who taught a remote course during Spring or Summer Sessions and would like guidance for the Fall 2020 semester.
This workshop is self-paced and faculty should expect to spend approximately 5-10 hours completing the workshop.
The Online Learning Academy (OLA) seeks to meet faculty where they are in their experience and understanding of online instruction. From these individual starting points, participants will strengthen their skills as they engage in active learning experiences in a supportive learning community. Coursework for the Academy includes videos, activities, readings, discussions, and risk-free implementation of effective online instructional strategies. This Academy is for all levels of experience in online teaching. The Online Learning Academy meets online for six weeks and expects approximately five hours a week to successfully complete learning objectives.
Who Should Attend: Faculty who currently teach online or are interested in teaching online.
Faculty should expect to spend approximately 3-4 hours per week completing this academy.
Teaching remotely is more than just transferring content to Canvas and grading student submissions. Just like in the traditional classroom, creating a safe and engaging community for learners to interact with the instructor, each other, and course content is critical to learner success. Join your peers as we explore ways to: successfully communicate and connect with students, create and deliver engaging learning activities for students and effectively utilize online assessment practices.
Who Should Attend: This training is for instructors and faculty who are teaching remotely in Fall 2020. Participants should be confident using Canvas or have successfully completed the Preparing to Teach Remotely Workshop.
Faculty should expect to spend approximately 3-4 hours per week completing this academy.
To meet the needs of our learners as well as comply with “social distancing” guidelines, FGCU administrators have suggested the creation and delivery of Hybrid courses as one of many delivery options for Fall 2020 courses. The purpose of a hybrid course is to take advantage of the best features of both face-to-face and online learning. In a Hybrid course, some traditional face-to-face "seat time" has been replaced by online learning activities.
Who Should Attend: This training is for instructors and faculty who are teaching hybrid/blended courses in Fall 2020. Participants should be confident using Canvas or have successfully completed the Preparing to Teach Remotely Workshop.
Faculty should expect to spend approximately 3-4 hours per week completing this academy.
The HyFlex/Simultaneous Teaching Academy is a three week training where faculty who are teaching simultaneously to on campus and remote students during mandatory meeting days and times.
Who Should Attend: Faculty delivering instruction simultaneously to on campus and remote students during mandatory meeting days and times. Faculty should be comfortable using Canvas and have a completed syllabus.
Faculty should expect to spend approximately 3-4 hours per week completing this academy.
Digital Learning invites you to explore Kaltura, a Canvas integrated video management platform that simplifies the storing, publishing and streaming of videos, narrated PowerPoints and other media by providing a personal media repository within Canvas and a dedicated media gallery for each course section.
Who Should Attend: Faculty who are interested in learning how to record and upload video content to Canvas courses.
- Tuesday, July 7 at 10 AM – 11 AM
- Wednesday, July 8 at 2 PM – 3 PM
- Tuesday, July 28 at 2 PM – 3 PM
- Wednesday, July 29 at 10 AM – 11 AM
- Wednesday, August 12 at 10 AM - 11 AM
- Wednesday, August 12 at 2 PM - 3 PM
- Thursday, August 13 at 10 AM - 11 AM
- Thursday, August 13 at 2 PM - 3 PM
These virtual workshops are live training conducted online in Adobe Connect.
The Kaltura Online Course is a self-paced asynchronous training course in Canvas designed to have you explore how to upload media to Kaltura, create and edit video lectures using the Kaltura Capture desktop recording App, share media with students and colleagues, and experience Kaltura's accessibility capabilities.
Who should attend: Faculty who are interested in learning how to record and upload video content to Canvas courses.This course is for intermediate and advanced Canvas users. Pre-requisite training: Canvas Part 1 & 2 or Canvas Online Course.
This workshop is self-paced and faculty should expect to spend approximately 5-10 hours completing the workshop.
The Department of Digital Learning provides guidance, support, and services to develop and deliver exemplary teaching and learning solutions for online, blended and technology enhanced courses. Consider meeting with us to discuss the instructional effectiveness of your online, blended and technology enhanced course through informed design and proven pedagogical strategies. Our Instructional Designers have many years of teaching and design experience and are available for course design support, online and blended teaching tips, and more.