Book Bytes Vlog - Episode 03
September 17, 2020 / Instructional Design Team
What is the topic?
Teacher presence, media integration, and online scaffolding
Why the topic is important?
- Building regular, positive, and interactive relationships with students is the key to a successful online learning experience (Jaggers & Xu, 2016).
- Using video for tutorials, models, and feedback creates a multi-dimensional communication platform that encourages students to persist (validates students).
- Save instructor time and effort in otherwise text heavy online courses.
Who can use this information?
- Faculty and instructors teaching
- Online
- F2F
- Hybrid
Top 3 takeaways
- Be human and engaging.
- Tell students the purpose of the video.
- Use videos for answering challenging questions.
Faculty can read the entire eBook through the FGCU library.