Digital Learning Blog

Save Time When Grading!

November 04, 2019  / Melissa Rizzuto  / Tags: Speedgrader, Canvas Teacher App, Canvas

Can you believe we’re already into the third week of the semester? By now, you are probably starting to use the Canvas Gradebook and Speedgrader more frequently. 

Have you installed the Canvas Teacher App?

The Speedgrader is one of the most popular features in Canvas. It provides an easy way for instructors to grade quickly, especially when using rubrics. Did you know the Speedgrader is also built into the Canvas Teacher App? You can truly “work” from anywhere with your smartphone or iPad. Check it out soon if you don’t have it installed yet!

Did you know Canvas has a NEW Gradebook? 

The e-Learning department first wrote about the new gradebook in May 2018, but it’s important to mention it again, as the old gradebook will go away at the end of this year. You probably won’t notice much of a difference, other than some new features, such as color coding, new icons, grade detail tray, and automatic late policies. 

Contact a member of the Digital Learning Team if you have questions about the New Gradebook.