Workforce Redeployment Survey
June 16, 2021 / RERI Research Team / Tag: Reports
Workforce Redeployment Survey Report
With increasing distribution of Covid-19 vaccines and easing restrictions from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), businesses are increasing the redeployment of their workforce. However, there are many uncertainties in the best practices and policies that could or should be implemented with the scaling of people returning to work in office spaces.
The Regional Economic Research Institute, in partnership with the Southwest Florida Leadership Institute at the Lutgert College of Business, conducted a brief survey to address these uncertainties. The goal of the survey is to better understand the policies and procedures that companies are developing in relation to workforce redeployment as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic. The survey was opened from May 13, 2021 to June 2, 2021 and had 61 respondents.
Main findings from the survey include:
- More than 90 percent of survey companies had less than a quarter of their workforce working remotely. Seventy-three percent expect to have less than a quarter of their employees working remotely by September 2021;
- The main policies adopted by surveyed companies in light of Covid-19 included remote work, social distancing, masks/face coverings, and additional sick leave;
- Surveyed companies plan to add or keep policies such as remote work, flex work schedules, and emotional health/wellness; and
- Most businesses (43 percent) did not allow flex work before Covid-19. From the businesses that did not allow flex work prior to the beginning of the pandemic, 23 percent plan to offer more opportunities moving forward.
Download the report and executive summary for more information.
Workforce Redeployment Survey Executive Summary
Workforce Redeployment Survey Report
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We would like to thank the help of SHRM and all the departments chairs within the Lutgert College of Business who contributed with the distribution of the survey to many interested parties.
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