The College of Arts & Sciences at FGCU strives to connect faculty with quality resources to support their endeavors. Provided below is information on some of the most frequent resources requested.
Fall -Spring-Summer Important Dates
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Toggle More InfoGrade Appeal
Students may appeal their final grade if they believe the grade resulted from an instructor’s:
- Alleged deviation from established and announced grading policy;
- Alleged errors in application of grading procedures;
- Alleged lowering of grades for non-academic reasons.
Faculty are also responsible for notifying student in writing (email is fine) with a summary of the student’s reasons for requesting the grade change, the Faculty member's decision regarding the grade, and justification for that decision. Faculty should copy the Department Chair and CAS Associate Dean – Student Affairs on the email. The Department Chair then has ten school days from the date of the Faculty's email to attempt to resolve the issue. Within that timeframe, the Chair is responsible for making their best attempt to resolve the grade appeal informally, at the Department Level, and for notifying the student of the result, copying the faculty member and CAS Associate Dean – Student Affairs on the email.
If the student is not satisfied with the resolution of the complaint proposed by the Chair, the student may proceed within ten school days of receipt of the Chair/Team Leader’s decision to file a written appeal with the Office of the Dean of the College; the CAS Associate Dean – Student Affairs will reach out to the student after receiving the written notice to the student from the Department Chair.
Incomplete Grades
Incomplete grades are assigned at the request of the student and by the sole discretion of the instructor of record. Generally, an incomplete is assigned if the student has completed and is passing at least 50% of the work in the course. The instructor assigning the incomplete is responsible for completing the incomplete grade form (see below) and for supervising the completion of the course (the student does not register for the course again to complete the work). When the student has submitted the completed work, the instructor of record completes a Change of Grade form and submits it to the CAS Dean’s Office.
Beginning Fall 2021, there is now a standardized, required form for all Incompletes issued. The instructor of record will create the contract between themselves and their student regarding the completion of work. When assigning an incomplete, the instructor must communicate the expectations for completion to the student in writing. Incompletes must be completed within one year of the term in which they are assigned (or by the date specified on the Incomplete Grade Form, whichever is earlier). If the grade is not changed to a final grade for the course, it will automatically be converted into an F after 3 semesters.
Entering Grades into GulflineAll final grades are to be entered into Gulfline. If a Faculty member needs to assign an “F” or “I” grade as the final grade, the Faculty must type in a final day of attendance for the student in question or the grades (complete roster) will not roll to history. Faculty should check rosters closely when entering grades; after submitting the page of grades you will receive a message above the roster that indicates that your grade changes were saved successfully or that your changes were NOT saved. This is usually due to an error in inputting the date of last attendance for "I" or "F" grades.
If Faculty do not successfully save each page of grades on the roster (only 25 students on each page, so there may be multiple pages), “Non-recorded Grades” (NRs) will be assigned to each student in the class after the grades have rolled to history, and the Faculty member will then be required to fill out a Change of Grade form for each student (see below). NR grades are not equivalent to incomplete grades. These grades will automatically convert to "F" after one semester.
Change of GradeChange of Grade forms are available through each Departments’ secretary. Each form is individually numbered and audited, so these forms cannot be scanned, emailed or copied as each form is individually numbered and audited. A Change of Grade form must be completed for each individual student whose grade needs to be altered. Standard grades (A-F) must be changed within one semester of the course being offered (Summer A, B, & C all count as the same one semester). NR grades must be changed within one semester. Incomplete grades must be changed within three semesters. -
Course Scheduling
Toggle More InfoIf you are a Department Chair, Director, or Program Leader, you may be responsible for creating course schedules. Department Chairs/ School Directors are responsible for collecting all schedules from their Department/ School to review those for accuracy, and to ensure that the schedule meets identified student needs.
Program leaders, please submit your schedule to the Department Chair/ Director a few days prior to the ORR deadline so your Chair/ Director can send your schedule to ORR with the rest of the schedules. The due date for course schedules is posted on the Academic Calendar for each semester:
When creating the course schedule, please be sure to use the most current template. Each Department Chair/Director receives the template from one of the Associate Deans each term, please contact your Chair/ Director for the correct template.
Please be sure that you submit the schedule with each section in an approved course time slot. For example, 150 minutes in class per week = 3 credit time slot three times per week or 3 credit time slot two times per week; 165 minutes = 3 credit time slot meeting once per week as there are 15 minutes for break in the once per week time slots; 200 minutes per week = 4 credit time slot meeting twice per week, etc. 1 credit “L” section should use the 3 credit hour tab as a reference, 3 credit “C” courses should use the 5 credit hour tab and 4 credit “C” courses should use the 6 credit hour tab.
If you make changes to your scheduled course (time/day) after the schedule has gone "live" or you need to offer something outside of the standard time slots, you must submit a variance request with your schedule. After the form is completed and signed by the Department Chair/ Director and Associate Dean, scan form and send to ORR with schedule.
Variance form for outside the standard time slots (future scheduling)
Student Affairs Case Manager
Toggle More InfoChad Trisler
Assistant Dean of Students for Student Conduct and DOS Case Team Manager
Ph: (239) 590-7904
Withdrawing from a course/term
Toggle More InfoUndergraduate courses:
As of Fall 2017, the University has adopted a new policy for all Undergraduate level course withdrawals. Please find more information on the Office of the Registrar's web page devoted to this new withdrawal policy.
Graduate courses:
For all Graduate level withdrawals, the student will need to complete an appeal for late withdrawal to the college that offers the course(s) in question. For late withdrawals from graduate courses in the College of Arts and Sciences (CAS), the student must submit the following to the CAS Associate Dean of Graduate Affairs:
- Completed appeal form with contact information and full information on courses student desires to withdraw from.
- A letter explaining circumstances preventing student from withdrawing by the deadline including the dates involved. This letter must demonstrate that something beyond the student’s control occurred that prevented him/her from successful completion of the course, and that this event occurred after the deadline to withdraw without academic penalty.
- Supporting documentation (for example, hospital or police records) that substantiates the claim noted in the letter of explanation.
- By university rule, all appeals for late withdrawal must be completed within one semester after the student has taken the course. (Summer semester is not counted in this calculation. Spring courses must be petitioned no later than the last day of the following fall semester.)
In the College of Arts and Sciences, a faculty committee reviews appeals for late withdrawal. If the petition is approved, the information is forwarded to the Office of the Registrar and the grade(s) will then be changed to W(s). If the petition is denied the grade(s) will stand as entered by the faculty member.
Other Academic Student Forms
Toggle More Info- Internship/Directed Studies: All Internships and Directed Studies must be approved by either the Program Leader/Coordinator or Department Chair.
Student Conduct: All questions regarding confrontational or disruptive student issues should be directed to the Dean of Student’s Office.
Student of the Year Award: CAS Faculty nominate candidates for the CAS Student of the Year for both Graduate and Undergraduate students. The awards seek to recognize the students’ overall achievement through the demonstration of excellence in leadership, scholarship, and service to the FGCU College of Arts & Sciences and to the community.
Graduate Faculty Status
Toggle More InfoMore information about Graduate Faculty Status -
CAS Scholarship and Professional Development Fund
Toggle More InfoMore information about CAS Scholarship and Professional Development Fund -
CAS Student Experiential Learning Fund (S.E.L.F)
Toggle More InfoMore information about CAS Student Experiential Learning Fund ( S.E.L.F)
Additional forms may be found on the Registrar’s Office web site.