Foreign Languages

The mission of FGCU Foreign Language Division is to develop students’ knowledge of foreign languages, literatures, and cultures.

Foreign Language Minors

With as few as 18 credit hours (including Beginning and Intermediate classes), you can minor in:

French   GERMAN Studies  Spanish

In keeping with FGCU’s mission to encourage lifelong learning, critical thinking, and civic responsibility, we want to provide our students with the tools to embrace diversity and be prepared for a global economy and multicultural world.

Placement Tests

Students who have already studied foreign languages could take an online placement exam to determine the appropriate course placement.  The exam may be taken anywhere with internet access.  Please contact Tom Stefaniuk, Foreign Language Program Leader, for more information on the test.  

Please note:

  • This exam is offered for placement purposes only and no credits are granted.
  • The cost of the exam is $10, payable by credit card.
  • Students should submit a copy of their score sheet to their academic advisor and the Coordinator of the Foreign Languages Division.
  • No books, notes, or any other materials should be used during the exam.  
  • No credits will be granted for lower-level courses the student skips upon being placed on a higher-level course.
  • As of August 2023, the French division of the Department of Language and Literature at FGCU has been accredited by the CCI (Chamber of Commerce of Paris) and can now offer two official French language proficiency tests: the TEF (Test d’Evaluation du Français), and the DFP (Diplôme de Francais Professionnel). It is open to any students, faculty, staff, and community members wishing to certify their knowledge and skills in French.  To register for this test, please visit our Touchnet storefront. 

Students who would like to get credit for the courses they skip after taking the placement test could apply to take the CLEP (College Level Examination Program) through the FGCU Testing and Assessment Center.  Students should contact their academic advisor before taking this exam.

Languages and Classes Offered:

We offer Beginning, Intermediate and Advanced classes in:

    • Spanish
    • French
    • German

Succeed With Us:

Fun facts: language learning…

    • can benefit all students
    • correlates with higher academic performance (higher scores on SAT and ACT tests)
    • increases students’ ability to hypothesize in science
    • is beneficial in the development of reading abilities
    • enhances cognitive development

(www.actfl.orgWhat research shows

Service Learning Opportunities

Some foreign language courses offer students the opportunity to fulfill service-learning hours.  Please check with your instructor for more information.

News and Events: 

Our events are open to all students seeking cross-cultural enrichment opportunities!

  • French and Spanish table and Kaffee Stunde on campus (meetings schedule will be announced at the beginning of every semester).
  • Hispanic Heritage month events.
  • Annual Seidler International Film Festival (Presented by the Department of Language and Literature in Collaboration with the College of Arts and Sciences and the Seidler Fund) every spring semester

Stay Connected: 

Keep in touch with the latest news and events going on. Stay informed about our events and see pictures of our activities and study abroad programs.   You can find us on Facebook. 


Dr. Tom Stefaniuk, Foreign Language Program Leader