Sustainability Collaborative Online International Learning

Faculty image Faculty Name Department University/college
Brent Jackson Brent Jackson Ecology and Environmental Studies FGCU/The Water School
Elizabeth Elaine Elizabeth Elaine Integrated Studies FGCU/College of Arts & Sciences
Federico Maria Pulselli, Ph.D Federico Maria Pulselli, Ph.D Environmental and Physical Sciences University of Siena

TITLE: Sustainability Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL)

Project Description:
This COIL experience was facilitated between sections of Florida Gulf Coast University’s Colloquium course and the University of Siena’s Sustainability course. Both courses focus on imparting students with an understanding of the concept of sustainability. During this global exchange experience students participated in virtual lectures and discussions. Students also worked autonomously in small groups on a series of scaffolded assignments focused on exploring sustainability-related issues on university campuses. During the experience, students from both institutions worked together to delineate issues, propose solutions to the issues, and highlight how their proposed solutions impact each domain of the triple bottom line. Students also provided global context to their issues and solutions by linking them to the United Nations SDGs. During the final week of the experience, groups shared their sustainable solutions presentations with the rest of the class. Through this experience students refined their communication skills, cultural competencies, and understanding of sustainability.

Resulting Scholarship:

Jackson, S.B. (2024, February 26). Sustainability Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) [Oral Presentation]. FGCU Faculty COIL Projects, Fort Myers, FL, United States.

Student Learning Outcomes:


  • Analyze the interdependence of human and natural systems.
  • Determine the effect of injustices and inequities on human and natural communities.
  • Identify personal practices that help build sustainable communities.
  • Demonstrate critical thinking and effective communication skills through writing and discussion.


  • Identify the services healthy ecosystems provide human communities.
  • Link human development to local and global environmental crises.
  • Reflect on the historical and contemporary exploitation of human and natural resources.
  • Investigate ways to build healthy, resilient, and equitable, communities.
  • Commit to recognizing and respecting differences in the lived experiences of others.
  • Articulate ideas supported with credible evidence.
  • Learn 21st century technological skills associated with working in a virtual setting.
  • Communicate effectively when organizing content and team responsibilities, including accommodations for time zone differences.

Participating Countries: Participating institutions were from the United States (Florida Gulf Coast University) and Italy (University of Siena).

Number of FGCU and Partner Institution Student Participants:

25 FGCU students

13 UNISI students

Discipline: Non-majors Sustainability

FGCU Course Code & Name: University Colloquium: A Sustainable Future (IDS 3920)

Project Duration: 4 weeks

Technology Tools: 

Webex was used for synchronous meetings,

Slido was integrated with Microsoft PowerPoint for interactive lectures and discussions, WhatsApp was used for communication, and Google Drive was used for hosting assignments, assignment drop boxes, and asynchronous lectures.