Queer Theory

Faculty image Faculty Name Department


Dr. Lily Martinez-Evangelista

Dr. Lily Martinez-Evangelista

Translation Studies

University of Brasilia (Brazil)

Dr. Kari Jegerstedt

Dr. Kari Jegerstedt

Centre for Women’s and Gender Studies

University of Bergen (Norway)
Dr. Jon Braddy

Dr. Jon Braddy

Communication & Philosophy

FGCU/Communication & Philosophy

TITLE: Queer Theory

Project Description:

Applying theoretical concepts to historical and contemporary issues as viewed through a queer lens, the project combines students in Florida, Brazil and Norway in a Collaborative Online Learning Experience designed to explore cultural and global perspectives while enhancing inter-cultural communication skills and the translation of messages. The project culminated with the Queer Carnival (Brazil) and the Queer Archives (Norway) demonstrating authentic learning.

Resulting Scholarship:

Braddy, J. (forthcoming). “Queer Theory: A Case Study” in Cultivating the Globally Sustainable Self: How the Human Species Might Fulfill its Potential, Shealy, C. & Chu, C., (Eds). Oxford University Press.    

Martinez-Evangelista, L., Barbosa, M.E., & Braddy, J. (2024). “Re-queering the Queer in Translation: From Global to Local Inscriptions.” Caligrama. v 29, n.2, p. 126-137.  

Braddy, J. (under review). “Queering the Virtual Classroom: Theoretical Foundations, Methodological Considerations, and Institutional Hurdles of Teaching Queer Theory” in Handbook of Virtual Exchange in

Global Education, M. Satar & M. Hauck (Eds). Routledge.

Braddy, J., Jegerstedt, K., & Martinez-Evangelista, L. (under review). “Queer Theory 'Back In The Closet’: COIL as a Means to Support Academic Freedom—-Globally.” Journal of Virtual Exchange. From a Paper presented at the International Virtual Exchange Consortium. Sao Paulo, Brazil. October 2023.

Braddy, J. COIL Perspectives From the Classroom. Presentation at the Hanseatic League Conference: Vectors of Resilience. Fort Myers, Florida. Presentation, May, 2023. 

Braddy, J., & Shaffery, M. COIL as a Means for Appreciating Divergent Points of View in Pluralistic Societies. Presentation at the Florida Consortium for International Education. Fort Myers, Florida. October, 2024.

Student Learning Outcomes:

The students will be able to Understand the theoretical and philosophical foundations of the study of queer theory, including pivotal texts. Understand how normative structures are constructed, policed, reified, and resisted. Analyze and critique structures of normativity in various textual manifestations. Connect the normative pressures inherent in heteronormative structures identified globally with other structures of domination and oppression, such as race, class, body size, histories of drug abuse, gender, language, religion, ability, etc. Value the legacy of queer theorists and activists. Additionally, students will gain intercultural language skills and value international scholarship and perspectives. 

Participating Countries: Brazil, Norway, USA

Number of FGCU and Partner Institution Student Participants:

For Brazil, 82 students

For Norway, 8 students

Discipline: Communication Studies, Gender Studies, and Translation Studies

FGCU Course Code & Name: COM 4930: Queer Theory

Project Duration: One semester, spanning multiple years.

Technology Tools: Zoom, WhatsApp, Canvas