Murhaf Jouejati

Murhaf Jouejati

Dr. Murhaf Jouejati specializes in Syrian and Middle East political affairs -- both as an academic and as a practitioner. He is currently a Distinguished Visiting Professor of Middle East studies and Global Affairs and Chair of the Class of ’55 (both History and Political Science departments) at the US Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland. Dr. Jouejati served as political advisor to the European Commission Delegation in Damascus (1998-2000); National Program Officer for Syria with the United Nations Development Program (UNDP); Presidential envoy to the Syria-Israel peace talks and, earlier, advisor to the Syrian peace delegation.

Dr. Jouejati holds a Ph.D. in International Relations from the University of Utah and an M.A. in Arab area studies from Georgetown University.


The Seismic Shift in Syria and its Regional Implications 

Friday Mar. 14, 2025 • 6:00 pm

Edwards Hall 112

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