Student Complaints

Concerns and Complaints

At Florida Gulf Coast University (FGCU), student success is at the center of all of our endeavors. There will be occasions where a student encounters a concern or has a matter that requires a resolution. Florida Gulf Coast University is dedicated to treating all members of its community equitably regarding their personal and professional issues. The established procedures aim to deliver students an expedient resolution of their conflicts with Florida Gulf Coast University faculty and/or staff.

In most cases, students are encouraged to initiate the process informally by discussing their concerns directly to the faculty or staff member. Faculty and staff are expected to respond to a student in a reasonable timeframe to assist in the resolution. However, if a student is unable to engage in such a discussion, they may consider contacting the direct supervisor for the faculty, staff, or department.

Academic Colleges and other university offices and responsible units may establish their own policies and procedures for addressing specific types of concerns and complaints. If a student is not able to resolve a matter, the student may file a written complaint or use a specific appeals process (if one applies to their concern/complaint). Additional information regarding student concerns and complaints can be found in FGCU Policy 4.017.

What is a Concern/Complaint?

Students may express concerns or complaints regarding various academic-related issues or non-academic-related issues. Issues and concerns may include but are not limited to: mistreatment by university faculty and staff, erroneous fee calculations, errors in registration and record-keeping, student employment concerns, classroom and grade-related grievances, among others.

Allegations such as discrimination, harassment, and/or sexual harassment based on race, color, ethnicity, religion, gender, age, marital status, national origin, genetic information, or disability may also be included in complaints. To submit a formal complaint a student may contact the Office of Institutional Equity and Compliance (OIEC) or report through EthicsPoint Hotline.

Throughout the entirety of the process, students have the option of reaching out to the Ombuds Office or the Dean of Students to assist with an informal resolution to any concerns or complaints. The Ombuds Office is available to listen to your concerns, clarify policies and procedures, help identify various options, and work with you to find a resolution to the matter. Similarly, the Dean of Students Office can serve as an advocate or resource in many situations. Depending on the circumstances, these offices may be able to assist students in seeking a resolution to their concerns.

We strongly encourage students to address any concerns by initiating a dialogue with the relevant faculty, staff, or administrators, or with their supervisors, as necessary. If such an informal discussion proves unfeasible or fails to produce a satisfactory outcome, the student may escalate the matter to the next level of authority. This may involve contacting the associate dean, college dean, director, or other appropriate administrators or designee in an attempt to resolve the issue informally. In the event that an informal resolution is not possible, and/or the student wishes to pursue a formal process, they may proceed accordingly.

FGCU Contact Quicklinks

Explore Student Complaint Resolution Process

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Academic Appeals

Non-Academic Appeals

Other Complaints

University Formal Complaint Options

  • Academic Complaint Form (Non-Grade Related)

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  • Non-Academic Complaint Form (Outside the Classroom)

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  • Office of Institutional Equity & Compliance

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