Institutional Effectiveness and Accountability Council

Name College/Unit Term Ends
Dr. Eileen DeLuca Strategy and Program Innovation Co-Chair
Dr. Sangki Min Planning & Institutional Performance Co-Chair
Merri Incitti Planning & Institutional Performance Standing Appointment
Alexis Arnow Planning & Institutional Performance Secretary
Dr. Rosa Gomez-Camacho Planning & Insitutional Performance Standing Appointment
Dr. Tracy Elliott William G. Bradshaw Library  Standing Appointment
Dr. Rebecca Totaro College of Arts and Sciences Standing Appointment
Dr. Clay Motley College of Arts and Sciences/Strategic Planning Committee Standing Appointment
Dr. David Jaeger Digital Learning Standing Appointment
Dr. Lisa Johnson Enrollment Management Standing Appointment
Dr. Erik Tack Academic Engagement Standing Appointment
Dr. Jennifer Hammat Student Engagement Standing Appointment
Jorge Lopez Student Financial Enrollement & Business Services Standing Appointment
Dr. Lucero Carvajal Academic and Curriculum Support Standing Appointment
Tiffany Reynolds Board Relations Standing Appointment
Jennifer Goen Government Relations Standing Appointment
Heather MacQueen Human Resources Standing Appointment
Bill Foster Internal Audit Standing Appointment
Lisa Jones General Counsel Standing Appointment
Precious Gunter OIEC Standing Appointment
Megan Clipse University Budgets Standing Appointment
Lauren Leister Athletics Standing Appointment
Gerard Carrington University Advancement Standing Appointment
Mary Banks Information Technology Services Standing Appointment
TBD Campus Reservations and Event Planning Operations Standing Appointment
Kristen Vanselow Innovative Education and Partnerships Standing Appointment
Jena Padilla Staff Advisory Council President Standing Appointment
Dr. Lyndsay Rhodes Faculty Senate President Standing Appointment
Brenda DePasquale-Gerson Planning & Institutional Performance Ex-Officio/Support
Scott Vanselow Daveler Kauanui School of Entrepreneurship, Faculty Representative 2024-2026
Dr. Amy Dudley Marieb College of Health and Human Services, Faculty Representative 2024-2026
Dr. David Hage Marieb College of Health and Human Services, Faculty Representative 2024-2026
Dr. Judy Wilkerson College of Education, Faculty Representative 2024-2026
Dr. Megan Atha College of Education, Faculty Representative 2024-2026
Dr. Jennifer Sughrue College of Education, Faculty Representative 2024-2026
Dr. Judy Wynekoop Lutgert College of Business, Faculty Representative 2024-2026
Dr. Saleh Bajaba Lutgert College of Business, Faculty Representative 2024-2026
Dr. Melodie Eichbauer College of Arts and Sciences,  Faculty Representative 2024-2026
Date TIME Location Minutes
August 14, 2024 12:00pm-1:30pm AB9-Rm. 209 Approved Minutes
September 4, 2024 12:00pm-1:30pm AB9-Rm. 209 Approved Minutes
October 2, 2024 12:00pm-1:30pm AB9-Rm. 209 Approved Minutes
November 6, 2024 12:00pm-1:30pm Merwin-Rm. 219 Approved Minutes
December 4, 2024 12:00pm-1:30pm AB9-Rm. 209 Approved Minutes
January 2025 12:00pm-1:30pm TBD Approved Minutes
February 2025 12:00pm-1:30pm TBD Approved Minutes
March 2025 12:00pm-1:30pm TBD Approved Minutes
April 2025 12:00pm-1:30pm TBD Approved Minutes
May 2025 12:00pm-1:30pm TBD Approved Minutes
June 2025 12:00pm-1:30pm TBD Approved Minutes


The Institutional Effectiveness and Accountability Council is an advisory group focused on coordination and implementation of institution-scale, ongoing, comprehensive, and integrated planning and evaluation processes that focus on institutional quality and effectiveness and incorporate a systematic review of institutional goals and outcomes consistent with its mission. Furthermore, the Council serves as an important conduit for information sharing and issues related to accreditation, cross-divisional quality improvement projects, and institutional assessment, while ensuring initiatives are properly aligned, prioritized, and consistent with the University's strategic direction. The mission of the Council is to advise that the institution has an appropriate broad- based approach to institution-wide effectiveness that supports its mission and serves as a framework for planning with emphasis on “macro” (institutional level) aspects of university-wide planning and evaluation. The function of the council is to enhance institutional effectiveness and accountability by:

• Providing a framework and ongoing processes for all operational areas with setting goals and objectives with appropriately aligned metrics as well as assisting all operational areas with documenting the use of data to make resource decisions and allocations through examples and model practices
• Advising a rationale timeline for institutional and unit planning processes
• Coordinating and implementing the University’s participation in the institutional accreditation process
• Promoting institution-wide collaboration, coordination, and communication for increasing efficiency and transparency for institutional planning and budgeting