Student Perceptions of Instruction (SPoI) in an Unusual Time
April 08, 2020 / Jackie Greene, EdD / Tags: SPOI, Covid, Student Feedback, Data
The end of this semester is in sight as the email from the SPoI Admin. reminds us. I am thankful for their reminder because, honestly, sometimes I forget what day it is, and I know forgetting has nothing to do with my age. I am certain SPoI (Student Perception of Instruction) is not the first thing you think of each morning so we thought a SPoI blog would be of some help.
Remember SPoI?
Our unique method of receiving feedback from students on their perceptions of ways you/we/I support their learning. Due to the uniqueness of this semester I would encourage everyone to make effective use of SPoI to collect data from our students. Who knows, perhaps this unique time will be our “normal” for a while; we know it will be our normal for the summer sessions. Regardless of the norm, aren’t you curious about how your transition to Emergency Remote Teaching supported their success? Aren’t you curious about ways your transition could have been stronger?
How Can You/We/ I Motivate Interest in SPoI?
1). Communicate, communicate, communicate with your students. Did I say communicate? Obviously, if you did not let students know the importance of their voice throughout the semester it will be difficult to get their participation at the end. However, sincere, transparent communication about your interest in knowing what you do well as a teacher and areas that you need to strengthen will motivate their participation. IDEA: Post a short video expressing your desire to know how your decisions and actions supported their success.
2). Add your own custom questions. We/I suggest no more than 4 custom questions. Only you know what you want/need to find out. Adding questions is easy. For details about how to add Custom Questions visit:
3). Work to increase your response rate.
- Follow SPoI Admin. guidelines about providing incentives. IDEA: Everyone receives 1 pt. if response rate reaches 50% and IF the response rate reaches 80% everyone receives an additional 1 pt.
- IF you are meeting using a virtual platform, ask students to download the SPoI App on their phones and set aside time in your meeting to complete the survey.
- Remind students their responses are anonymous. Survey results are released to faculty 24 hours after grades are officially posted.
How Can You/We/I Use SPoI Data?
1). Use data as a focus for reflection and change. Look for trends in areas that students identified as supportive to their learning and continue to provide those supports. Reflect on areas that were consistently identified as less than supportive. Ask yourself, Were student concerns valid? Do these same concerns show up across courses, semesters? What is the feasibility of making a small change to your teaching or class structure? Perhaps, consult with colleagues. THEN, make informed decisions about your teaching.
2). Use SPoI data in your PDP, APDR, and Promotion Portfolio. Although using the data is not a requirement, it is SMART to do so. You can use data to formulate goals in the area of teaching and scholarship AND highlight areas where your decisions and actions consistently support student success.
3). IDEA: One of our colleagues shares his SPoI data with his students at the beginning of each semester. He highlights those trends identified by former students as supportive, he also highlights ways he uses information from students to make changes to his courses. He sends the message from Day 1 that he is interested in student perceptions, he uses their perceptions in powerful ways, and he expects their participation in their own learning. This is one UNIQUE way you can use your SPoI data and build motivation to participate.
4). If you want/need help in using your SPoI data or have any questions about SPoI visit OR email Bill or Jackie.
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