Repeated, Low-Stakes Quizzing
March 18, 2020 / Bill Reynolds, PhD / Tags: Test, Online, Covid, Quiz, Assessment, Low-stakes
A pressing concern for many faculty, who are transitioning to remote instruction, is how to handle high-stakes exams in their courses. Natalie Parker, Director of CETL and Distance Education at Texas Wesleyan University, has prepared a short document titled “A Rationale for Replacing High Stakes Exams with Multiple-Attempt Low-Stakes Quizzes.” Those of you who have concerns about how you are going to administer exams now that teaching and learning are happening remotely might be interested in this short set of suggestions. (Note: The LMS they use at this institution is Blackboard, but the same guidance applies.)
If you have additional ideas, advice, suggestions that you would like to share with your colleagues, send it to or and we will post it to the blog.
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