Adjusting to Challenges with Flexibility: A Benefit to Students & Faculty
October 13, 2022
The Lucas Center for Faculty Development invites you to a workshop on:
Adjusting to Challenges with Flexibility: A Benefit to Students & Faculty
Facilitated by Lucas Faculty Fellow, Elizabeth Weatherford
In a little more than two years, we have had a pandemic and devastating hurricane, both of which required faculty to make major adjustments to courses in a very short amount of time. While this is no doubt challenging, by adding flexibility to courses in these moments, we are prepared for future challenges to the world, the university, and to individual student. That flexibility may seem daunting, but this workshop will show faculty how adding flexibility is not only beneficial to students, but also to the faculty workload.
Click here to view the presentation
This workshop will be facilitated on Thursday, October 20th from 11:00a-12:00p in the Lucas Center (LIB-221) or virtually via Zoom.
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