University Trainings
ITS provides technical support for all University-owned computers and computer labs, FGCU faculty, staff, and students. Each semester, ITS offer a series of technology trainings for faculty and staff. We invite you to search and register for training of interest to you.
Please utilize the training resources below for help with specific topics.
Keep Teaching for Course Continuity (Digital Learning)
Classroom Technology
- General Podium Overview
- This training will help you identify Crestron and AMX podium systems, cover general podium usage, using a laptop with the podium, and locating the podium Quick Start Guide.
- Lecture Capture Overview
- This training will cover sharing your computer screen, using the classroom camera and classroom document camera through Microsoft Teams or the video collaboration platform of your choice.
online delivery TECHNOLOGY
- Scheduling a Microsoft Teams Meeting in Canvas
- Learn to create and post a Microsoft Teams Meeting in a Canvas course item.
- Getting your Microsoft Teams recording out of Stream and into Canvas
- Recording and Managing Videos with MS Teams and Stream- Learn how to record a video in MS Teams, locate it in Teams Chat, manage it in MS Stream, and share it in your Canvas course.
- Back Channel Assistant - Instructor Orientation
- The purpose of this orientation is to prepare you for working with a Back Channel Assistant (BCA). A Back Channel Assistant (BCA) provides the instructor facilitation support to remote attendees in a BlendFlex or Synchronous Online course. The resources and guides provided will cover the common tasks that you will likely perform. The content is organized by Conferencing Tool.
- Back Channel Assistant - Student Orientation
- The purpose of this orientation is to prepare you for your role as Back Channel Assistant (BCA). A Back Channel Assistant (BCA) provides the instructor facilitation support to remote attendees in a BlendFlex or Synchronous Online course. The resources and guides provided will cover the common tasks that you will likely perform. The content is organized by Conferencing Tool.
- Zoom Guidelines
additional resources
ITS Knowledge Base
- Search the ITS Knowledge Base for a collection of individual articles on services, software, or hardware.