FGCU Alert

FGCU remains closed to all activities, classes and business operations Friday, September 27. All normally scheduled academic activities, including classes, labs and online courses, will continue as scheduled Saturday, September 28, and Sunday, September 29. Other campus functions will ramp up steadily this weekend, and FGCU will return to all normally scheduled business operations, events and activities Monday, September 30.
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Inside News

Get to know Chief of Police Craig W. Kowalski

September 03, 2024 

In May, FGCU welcomed Chief of Police Craig W. Kowalski to the Nest. Having spent the last 23 years in K-12, he brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to our campus. Read more to learn about his tips on campus safety and why the Cohen Student Union is his favorite spot on campus. 

What drew you to FGCU?  

Having spent the last 23 years in the 6th largest school district in the nation, spanning diverse communities, the prospect of focusing my attention on one large community at FGCU was truly exciting. The lessons learned and skills gained from my professional and personal experiences would be a positive addition to what I knew about FGCU from friends already involved in the community. The supportive environment, which I was already aware of, also drew me in. Finally, the campus' beautiful location and commitment to sustainability and student success further solidified my decision. I can confidently say that this was the right choice, and I am fully committed to serving and protecting the FGCU community.  

Headshot of FGCU’s Chief of Police Craig W. Kowalski. He is wearing a dark blue police uniform and tie. Both right and left collars of this shirt have 4 gold stars pinned on each side. A police pin and his name tag are pinned to the right side of his uniform. On the left side is his badge and two pens sticking out from a breast pocket.

FGCU Chief of Police Craig W. Kowalski

What are three things faculty and staff can do to make their campus experience as safe as possible? 

A safe campus environment is crucial for faculty, staff and students. Everyone must participate, as this is our community.  Here are three key actions that faculty and staff can take to enhance safety on campus: 

1. Stay Informed and Aware:  

  • Familiarize yourself with campus safety resources: Know the location and contact information for campus security, emergency services and safety resources.
  • Stay alert: Be aware of your surroundings and immediately report any suspicious activities or persons to campus security.

2. Promote a Culture of Safety: 

  • Encourage open communication: Foster an environment where students and colleagues feel comfortable reporting safety concerns or incidents without fear of retaliation. 
  • Advocate for mental health support: Encourage using mental health resources and support those needing help. Recognize the signs of distress and guide individuals to appropriate support services. 

3. Use Technology and Resources: 

  • Utilize campus safety apps 
  • Stay connected: Share information and updates on safety concerns and best practices with colleagues. 

These actions allow faculty and staff to contribute to a safer and more secure campus environment. 

What is your favorite place on campus? 

If I had to choose a particular place because I enjoy the entire campus, I would say Cohen Student Union because of the ease of interaction with everyone and, of course, the food. 

How do you plan to continue to provide a safe and secure environment for the FGCU community? 

My commitment to providing a safe and secure environment for the FGCU community is unwavering. We will continue existing measures, enhance others and implement new programs to uphold this commitment, ensuring your safety and peace of mind.   

Our mission is to provide students, faculty staff and visitors with a safe and secure environment. We are committed to excellence in public safety through community partnership, proactive policing and a compassionate approach to law enforcement. 

 By adhering to the following principles, the Florida Gulf Coast University Police Department aims to create a supportive and secure environment that enhances our community members' academic and personal growth: 

1. Community Engagement: We foster strong relationships with the university community, working collaboratively to address safety concerns and promote a culture of mutual respect and trust. 

2. Safety and Security: We are dedicated to maintaining a safe campus through vigilant patrolling, emergency preparedness and the implementation of effective safety measures. 

3. Professionalism and Integrity: We uphold the highest standards of professionalism, integrity and ethical conduct in all our actions, ensuring that we are accountable to our community. 

4. Education and Awareness: We prioritize educational initiatives to inform the community about safety practices, crime prevention and available resources, empowering individuals to contribute to a secure campus environment. 

5. Inclusivity and Respect: We embrace diversity and are committed to treating all individuals with respect, fairness and dignity, ensuring that our actions reflect the values of inclusivity and equality. 

6. Continuous Improvement: We strive for continuous improvement through ongoing training, innovation and adopting best practices in campus law enforcement. 

You're new to FGCU and higher education. What do you look forward to this year? 

Though new to higher education, I have spent the last 23 years in the educational environment. I understand policing within an educational setting.  I look forward to implementing new safety strategies and engaging with the community to build strong relationships that enhance our efforts toward student success. 

How do you spend your spare time?  

In my spare time, I enjoy getting to know the area. Though I grew up in South Florida, I am experiencing this area more and more each day. To counteract these new experiences, I do enjoy going to the gym to help balance the discovery of all the new food places.   

It’s time for an office potluck. What do you bring?  

Anything I can get from Publix. 

Who is your favorite musician/band, and how does their music move you? 

I can’t say I have one favorite musician or band because I like various music, from jazz to current pop music.  However, I tend to gravitate toward country music because of the storytelling. 

If you had the opportunity to visit a foreign country, where would you go and what would you do? 

Fortunately, I have had the opportunity to visit several foreign countries, experience their culture, and see their sites. Next, I would want to visit Iceland and see the Northern Lights. 

Who wins in a dance battle: you or Azul? 

This is easy: Azul.