Elements of Honors

Elements of Honors

The Honors College advances learning and instills values in its students so they evolve as scholars embodying the Elements of Honors. They form the basis for the curricula and the mission of the college.

Honors Elements

Scholarly Advancement

Scholarly Advancement is the journey from a consumer of knowledge to a producer of knowledge. It involves gaining increasingly focused research and/or creative skills related to an academic subject and joining its scholarly discourse. Honors students purposefully and thoughtfully develop into scholars.

Community Engagement

Community Engagement goes well beyond accumulating service-learning hours. Honors students purposefully and thoughtfully become positive "agents of change" in a community, either at FGCU, beyond the campus, or both. Honors students go from being a member of a community an active citizen for the betterment of others. Honors students listen to and collaborate with community partners as they learn, grow, and develop sustainable solutions together. 

Cultural Enrichment

Cultural Enrichment is exposure to and exploration of distinct perspectives in different peoples and cultures. Thoughtful, respectful, and reflective intercultural activities broaden your own perspective and make you an informed global citizen. Honors students demonstrate a record of purposeful and increasingly impactful practices that influence their outlook and actions in the world.

Leadership Development

Leadership is the act of creating opportunities for others while moving strategically toward common goals. Leadership requires creativity, collaboration, vision, patience, and vision. Honors students get involved with student organizations and the community to become effective leaders during their time at the college.

Honors Evolution

The culmination of the pursuit of the elements of the honors is the Honors Evolution. The ultimate goal of an Honors education is personal transformation — intellectually, culturally, and socially. Honors curricula and related activities are designed to offer students increased success, opportunities and resources so that they grow and develop throughout their time at the university.