Forensic Studies BS

This curriculum integrates the theoretical perspectives of different disciplines pertaining to deviant and criminal behavior with the practice of identification, procurement, and presentation of evidence resulting from criminal activity. 

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Meet the Forensic Studies BS Faculty & Staff  

The Bachelor of Science in Forensic Studies provides students with the skills requisite to the investigation of criminal offenses and the identification, apprehension, and prosecution of criminal offenders. This curriculum integrates the theoretical perspectives of different disciplines pertaining to deviant and criminal behavior with the practice of identification, procurement, and presentation of evidence resulting from criminal activity. This program builds upon a solid liberal arts core to achieve a balanced criminal justice perspective, which includes an emphasis upon the victim, the offender, the criminal justice system and society. Recognizing the multidisciplinary nature of Forensics, this curriculum blends crime scene analysis, laboratory analysis, behavioral analysis, and Constitutional Criminal Law. The program’s objective is to develop a sound educational foundation for graduate work or professional practice at the bachelor’s level. It is designed as a scholar/practitioner curriculum providing students with advanced levels of knowledge in criminal investigation, thus increasing the employment potential for the graduates of this degree.

Department Contacts

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Program Coordinator/Professor
ETI 0112C
  • Accreditation

  • Admissions Information

  • Program Requirements

  • Degree Map

  • Course Description

  • Course Schedule

  • Learning Outcomes

  • Tuition, Fees, and Financial Assistance