2024 - 2025 Season


ann wolf

Ann Wolff, Ariadne On Her Way to Minotaurus, 1984, Four-color intaglio vitreograph print,
Gift of Carol L. Shay, Collection of FGCU Art Galleries, 2022.0004.0289

Ann Wolff and Selections from the Permanent Collection

3 rd Floor Library Art Gallery
August 19 – December 14, 2024

method to madness

Images, left to right: Peter Massing, Nest Head, 2015, Etching, engraving, and dry point, Gift of Peter Massing, Collection of FGCU Art Galleries, 2022.0002.0565; Karen Kunc, Frond, 2000, Intaglio vitreograph and woodcut print with digital transfer, Gift of Carol L. Shay, Collection of FGCU Art Galleries, 2020.0001.0026; Leila Mesdaghi, Bloody Days Series No. V, 2015, Collagraph, Promised gift from the Private Collection of Robert E. Feir

Opening Reception and Talk
Thursday, August 29 • 5:00 - 7:00pm

note to self

Images, left to right: Briena Harmening, I’m Listening, 2024, Screen print on beach towel, acrylic, and knitted afghan; Caitlin Rosolen, You Know What They Say About Jobs: When You Love What You Do, You Never Work a Day in Your Life, 2024, Still from performance piece printed on stretched fabric with yarn and draped chiffon; Quinn Miller, The Birth of Hekatonkheires, 2021, Photograph

Note to Self:
Briena Harmening, Quinn Miller, and Caitlin Rosolen

Wasmer Art Gallery
OCTOBER 18 – NOVEMBER 21, 2024

Opening Reception with the Artists
Thursday, October 17 • 5:00 - 7:00pm



Paul Firmin, Heart & Soul, 2024, Acrylic on four panels

Heart and Soul: Paul Firmin
Public Art Project

Arts Complex Courtyard
OCTOBER 2024 - OCTOBER 2025 

Site specific mural project at the Arts Complex

Opening reception in conjunction with Note to Self opening, Thursday, October 17 • 5:00 - 7:00pm


Arianna J. Myers, Swarm, 2018, Installation view of Senior Project

Senior Projects
Fall 2024

Wasmer Art Gallery

Opening Reception and Artists' Presentation
Thursday, December 5 • 5:00 - 7:00pm

art and language

Justin McDowell, You Are Not Shaken, 2018, Printed digital design

Environmental Art & Language
Fall 2024

Cohen Student Union & Sugden Hall Thoroughfare
DECEMBER 5, 2024 - NOVEMBER 29, 2025 

Opening Reception with the student writers and artists
Thursday, December 9 • 4:00 - 5:00pm (location tbd, near installation)


Sergei Isupov, Monkey, 2000, Siligraph print with digital transfer, Gift of Carol L. Shay, Collection of FGCU Art Galleries, 2021.0006.0070

Sergei Isupov and Selections from the Permanent Collection

3 rd Floor Library Art Gallery
JANUARY 6 – MAY 3, 2025

sue havens

Sue Havens, Butterfly (detail), 2017, Raku fired clay and ceramic glaze

Finding Form:
Sue Havens

Wasmer Art Gallery
JANUARY 17 - FEBRUARY 20, 2025 

Artists' Talk in U. Tobe Hall
followed by the Opening Reception in Wasmer Art Gallery
Thursday, January 16 • 5:30 - 7:30pm


maya dudley

Maya Dudley, Solitude, 2023, Acrylic on canvas

27th Annual Juried Student Art Exhibition

Wasmer Art Gallery
MARCH 21 - APRIL 3, 2025

Opening Reception and Artists' Presentation
Thursday, March 20 • 5:00 - 7:00pm


Brigette Baker, Permanent Transition, 2015, Installation view of Senior Project 

Senior Projects
Spring 2025

Wasmer Art Gallery
APRIL 18 - MAY 2, 2025

Opening Reception and Artists' Presentation
Thursday, April 17 • 5:00 - 7:00pm