Admissions Consideration:
Adaptive Services provides accommodations and services for students registered with our office. The following list is not inclusive and other accommodations and services may be provided according to individual need.
Note takers
Extended time on tests (Standard: Time and ½)
Minimal distraction testing environment
Readers/Scribes for tests
Books in alternate format
Adaptive technologies i.e. Dragon, JAWS, Zoomtext
Recording of lectures
Instruction in study strategies
Sign Language Interpreters
The assigned case manager determines what accommodations an individual will receive based on documentation provided and conversations with the individual. Other accommodations may be considered based on the individual's past experiences and the benefits from such an accommodation.
It is the individual's responsibility to notify their case manager if there are any problems with the services, such as mechanical problems, being serviced in the classroom, etc. It is the case manager's responsibility to make sure that the accommodation is secure, or available, at the appropriate times.
It is not the responsibility of the case manager, or Adaptive Services, to make sure that the individual is using their accommodations. The accommodations that are offered are not the "magic trick" to success. They are available in order to supplement the individual's strengths and aid in combating the individual's weaknesses. Adaptive Services is not responsible for academic failure when the individual does not take advantage of the services that are offered.
Learn About Requesting Accommodations
Reasonable Accommodation
A reasonable accommodation is an accommodation that does not pose a burden or threat, either financially or physically, to the institution or the parties involved. In addition, it is an accommodation that will not alter the fundamental nature and/or requirements of the program or institution. The case manager will determine what accommodations and services will be deemed as "unreasonable".
Course Substitution
Course substitutions for mathematics or foreign language course requirements are available as a reasonable accommodation. Students who are registered with Adaptive Services and who have a documented disability supporting a course substitution accommodation are eligible to petition the course substitution committee. Students who are granted a substitution may choose from an approved list of courses to fulfill the required general education mathematics or foreign language requirements.
General Education Mathematics, Foreign Language, and Civic Literacy Course Substitution Procedures
Accessible Equipment
Adaptive Services has some equipment, books in alternate format, and other materials available for student use. Some equipment is also available for student loan. Students are asked to sign a loan agreement form when equipment is checked out of the office. All equipment must be returned at the end of each semester otherwise, a hold will be placed on their records. If equipment is damaged, students may be expected to pay for its repair.
A partial list of equipment available through Adaptive Services is listed below. If you have questions about any of the equipment, please contact Adaptive Services.
- *Auditory assistive listening devices (FM Systems)
- Microsoft compatible computer with speech and large print output (Jaws, Zoom Text, and Scanner with scan-and-read software)
- Large print dictionary
- Raised graphing board
- Simple raised-line drawing aids
- Talking calculators
- Dragon Dictate
- C-Pens
- Digital recorders
- Laptops