Prevention & Wellness


Providing Education to Students That Inspires Healthy Practices and Supports Their Holistic Wellness.

Victim Advocacy

Click here to schedule a meeting with FGCU's confidential Victim Advocate, Aisha Lewis.

Schedule a Meeting

What is a Victim Advocate?

Victim Advocates are trained to support victims of any incident or crime. They offer emotional support, victims’ rights information, help in finding needed resources, and assistance in navigating and completing any processes related to the incident. Advocates frequently accompany victims through the criminal justice proceedings. Advocates work with other organizations, such as criminal justice or social service agencies, to get help or information for the victims they serve. The FGCU Victim Advocate provides free and confidential support to any student who has been victimized.

Advocacy Services Include:

  • Emotional support
  • Campus and community resources and referrals
  • Information on victimization
  • Assistance with completing and processing forms, such as victim impact statements, crime victim compensation forms, etc.
  • Information on legal rights and protections
  • Information on criminal justice process
  • Assistance in navigating medical appointments or forensic exams
  • Accompanies victims to hearings, court, or law enforcement interviews
  • Assistance with safety planning

Condom Request Form
Prevention and Wellness now offers individual condom requests available for pick-up at our office in Cohen Student Union 161 within 48 hours. 
Bulk condom requests are also available for Resident Assistants and other student groups.

Eagles Care is Dedicated to Student Wellness at FGCU!

Look for the Eagles Care Heart Logo to Find Resources Related to Improving Your Health and Well-being. 

Our Partner locations Include: 

  • Counseling and Psychological Services
  • University Recreation & Wellness
  • Student Health Services
  • Student Care Services
  • Adaptive Services 
Eagles Caare heart logo

Instagram Spotlight

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    Don't miss out! Learn about our upcoming events, programs, and opportunities. 

    Follow us on YouTube

    In an effort to provide students with the most efficient learning experience, Prevention and Wellness has created educational videos for eagles to stay informed when it comes to their wellness.


    • Wellness Warrior 

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    • Cash Cab 

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    •  Wellness Wednesday

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    • Wellness InSTALLments 

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    • TIPS: Training for Intervention Procedures 

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    We’re Here to Answer Your Questions.

    Prevention & Wellness Services

    Cohen Student Union 161
    10501 FGCU Boulevard South
    Fort Myers, Florida 33965

    (239) 590-7733